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    The Way I Loved You (Chapter Twelve)

                    “I think that I like this place,” I purred near her ear, moving my hand so that it rested on the inside of her thigh. She growled low her throat and opened her legs a bit. Oh yeah, she definitely planned this. I could tell by the pleased smirk on her face. I grinned a bit but pulled my hand away as I grabbed the menu once again. She looked a bit shocked when I pulled away and I had to hide my smile behind the menu.

                    The waitress walked over holding the wine and she filled up our glasses before putting it in the ice bucket beside the table. She looked about twenty four and she was tiny, standing at maybe five feet flat. She was thin too but it worked for her, she looked graceful, like a dancer. Her hair was jet black and cut in a pixie cut and if she weren’t looking at Ashley as if she was a piece of meat then I might even say that she was cute. Instead I felt like ripping her eyes out of her head and smacking the cocky grin off of her face.

                    “Hi, my name is Danielle and I’ll be your server this evening.”

                    “Hi Danielle,” Ashley said politely but obviously the girl took it as something else because her eyes lit up.

                    “Are you waiting on someone else?” She asked, looking at the empty seat across from us.

                    “No, it’s just us.” I answered, covering Ashley’s hand with mine and entwining our fingers. Danielle’s smile dropped as she watched this and I saw Ashley grin beside me before picking up her menu. “I think that we’re ready to order.” I said, successfully drawing her gaze away from Ashley.

                    “We’ll both have the baked rigatoni with sausage,” Ashley said, sitting up and making the girl’s gaze move back to her with a huge smile.

                    “Alright, anything else that I can get for you?” She asked, her gaze locked on Ashley. Her thinly veiled come on making me grip Ashley’s hand a bit harder as I openly glared at the girl. Ashley chuckled at my reaction but sent the girl away. I was still scowling as Ashley freed her hand from my grip and slipped her arm back around me, pulling me closer.

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    1. Cool update. Btw, did you notice I said “My” friends when I left the last comment? I don’t know you or your friends which is why I did not include you in the creed and boundaries my friends and I have. We just don’t date each other’s exes, period. You and your friends do and obviously it works for you. It’s just not for us and we do consider it ‘passing around the joint’. Either way, we just don’t do it. As far as how you wanted to write that scene between Hugh and Spencer, I interpreted as it was written. Two days after the person Hugh was in love with broke up with him, he wanted to ask out her best friend. Like I said, he wasn’t too much in love and he must have been checking out the best friend while he and Spencer were together. That’s my interpretation and I’m sticking to it. Thanks for taking the time to respond to my comment. Tootles.

    2. hahahaha. that was a funny one, hott but funny. i was literally laughing out loud when spencer was reflecting on her first date with ashley. hahaha.. priceless.

    3. I had a date like that once…um I’m sorry, i totally forgot what I was going to post. Oh yeah, that’s right, that was fucking niiiiice. Too bad Ashley didn’t join her in the bathroom like my date did, that dinner was my favorite meal :) and the food was good too

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