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    Photograph – (Chapter: Happiness)

    Spencer stood at Ashley’s front door for ten full minutes, tracing the wood grain with her blue eyes. She had driven straight over from the coffee house, but hadn’t worked out all that she wanted to say. Spencer took a deep breath and raising her hand knocked quietly. Spencer shook her head; she knew Ashley wouldn’t be able to hear that. Knocking harder Spencer felt her body tense; she wasn’t sure why she was nervous because she wanted to talk to Ashley. Spencer sighed, but she wasn’t sure if Ashley wanted to talk with her. No one was coming to the door so Spencer knocked again and even harder this time.

    “I think it will break faster if you kick it,” Ashley smirked at Spencer as the stunned woman turned to face her. Ashley walked up with her groceries and using her key unlocked the door, “If you come in you have to help me put them up.”

    Spencer stepped through after Ashley and walked with her into the kitchen. The two women silently put away the groceries, Spencer opting to look around for where things went rather than ruin the companionable silence by opening her mouth and asking questions. In fact, it wasn’t until everything was put away and Ashley had grabbed herself and Spencer a soda did Ashley break the quiet.

    Leaning against the kitchen island Ashley popped open her can and spoke not looking at Spencer, “After this coke I’ll pose for you. You want me to change clothes?”

    Spencer’s head shot up in mild surprise, “Y…you still want to pose?”

    Ashley looked up with a cocked brow and a slightly perturbed look to her face, “I am a woman of my word Spencer. You have two more photos to take right?”

    Spencer shook her head, “One actually…” then in a small soft voice she went on, “that one I took during our…fight, counted.”

    Ashley nodded morosely, “Alright. So you want to do this now?” she went to take a sip of her soda then decided against it. She placed it behind her on the island.

    “Um…I don’t…” Spencer was tapping the top of her can, she hadn’t even bothered opening her can, “No, not now,” she slammed her can down on the island and walked briskly from the apartment. Ashley didn’t try to stop her.

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    1. Awesome! I really, really enjoy the way you write these characters. Spence and Ash interact in such a real way. You write very well, and I would love to read more about this version of Spashley. A sequel is definitely called for!

    2. Awesome! I really, really enjoy the way you write these characters. Spence and Ash interact in such a real way. You write very well, and I would love to read more about this version of Spashley. A sequel is definitely called for!

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