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    The Mixed Up Feelings – (Chapter: (Intro-Cupid’s The One To Blame))

    ~Flash Back~

    Spencer Carlin sat on the beach waiting for her girlfriend Ashley Davies since she was asked to meet her here so she sat in their spot waiting for her thinking about what the beautiful brunette had called her here for thiniking that it was for something good.

    Ashley Davies walked onto the beach noticing Spencer in their usual spot they had been together for a few years now so this wasn’t going to be easy for her to do at all. She takes a deep breath in letting it out a few seconds later. She walked over to Spencer and at least tried to smile. "Hey pretty girl bet your wondering why I called you here when we where suppose to meet later at my place."

    Spencer looked up when she heard Ashley and smiled but that slowly started to fade when she saw her smile. "Yeah actually I was. Whats going on baby? Is it Kyla is she okay?" There was a concered look on her face.

    She nodded her head, "Kyla’s fine its me actually Spence. I can’t believe I even have to do this. Spencer you know I will always love you right." It was more of a statement then a question. "Look I’m sorry but we have to break up. I’m leaving and I’m not sure if I’ll be back." She said looking at Spencer not really wanting to do this but didn’t want to risk of something happening and cheating on her. Before Spencer could get a word out Ashley kissed her forhead and then left.

    Spencer couldn’t believe what she had just heard before she even got a chance to reject or say anything Ashley kissed herforhead and left. Tears had been rolling down her cheeks as soon as she heard ‘Look I’m sorry…’ she started to cry and through the tears she said, "I love you always."

    ~5 Years Later~

    A now all grown up Spencer Carlin sat in her office looking across at her cilent "Ace I’m telling you as your lawyer that if you keep this up your going to wind up behind bars hell I’m telling you as a friend as well cause I don’t want to visit you there." She said looking at her friend/cilent Amanda Emmette they called her Ace because her middle name was Christna and thats what she perferred to be called Ace.

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