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    Everything And Nothing – (Chapter: Bring on the night)










    Oh this just keeps getting better and better. What in the hell is Madison doing here?!  Madison stood with her hands on her hips, each nail perfectly manicured, looking extremely together. Spencer looked at her with a little confusion and finally spoke up.









    “Uh who are you?” Madison cocked one eyebrow at Ashley and flashed a bright white smile full of perfectly straight teeth. She looked like a barbie. Make that a barbie from hell. They hadn’t spoken to each other since the beginning of senior year, not since she had started dating Aiden about five minutes after Ashley had broken his heart.










    “I’m Madison Duarte, and you are?” She extended her catlike claws toward Spencer for a “friendly” handshake, but Ashley knew where her hands could end up after handshakes. She knew it all too well, so like any good girlfriend would do, she slapped Madison’s hand away.








    “Her name is Spencer. What the hell are you doing here Megabitch? I thought they banished you to planet whore a long time ago or did you not get the memo?” Madison’s fake smile melted away like the wrinkles on Ashley’s mom’s face after a good botox session.








    “Well I may have been banished to planet whore, but it looks like you never left the Island of Lesbos!” Ashley smirked at her attempt at a witty comeback. She’d only heard the lesbian island put down a million times, what was one more?








    “Wait, you two know each other?” Ashley had almost forgotten that Spencer was there. She turned to look at the other girl still perched on the counter, and flashed her a I’ll tell you later look and turned back to Madison.










    “We went to high school together. After Ashley decided she was yay gay, I took over Aiden for her. He called me a couple nights ago, asked me if I’d fly down for his game. Who am I to deny my man in his time of need?” Was that jealousy in Spencer’s eyes? Ashley’s anger at Madison began to burn hotter than the sun. “After all, he found out his girlfriend was a lesbian skank, he needed me.”

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