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    4 days 8 hours 12 minutes – (Chapter: Intro)

    If you stay, I will stay too.”

    At that time Ashley thought Spencer was trying to set a trap, but then Ashley saw Spencer’s eyes, the eyes that told her that the blonde was being completely serious.

    Spencer had gone insane. Completely and utterly insane because what the statement had come out with no rationalization behind it. Truth is, Spencer, herself was surprised by her own proposal.

    In a rare event while still being handcuffed to Ashley, they were trapped in an abandoned garage.

    For once, they are both free from responsible.

    For once, they are both free to be themselves.

    Free to love?

    Free to feel?

    “Umm, Ashley, what I meant to say was …..”

    Spencer was trying to rephrase her statement a few moments ago but she was bluntly cut off by Ashley at the sudden reply.

    Looking at her watch, “4 days later, the media wanted a public statement from you requiring the serious killer case, so starting now; we have 4 days 8 hours and 12 minutes to be whoever we want.”

    No sound was uttered.

    For a brief moment, Spencer wasn’t sure if Ashley was being serious, but in the following second, she was certain, Ashley had never been more serious in her life before. Ashley was serious. The eyes said it all, there was a lively vibe coming off Ashley’s eyes and it is luring Spencer to a land of unknown.

    Hidden desires are begging to be explored.

    Slowly, Spencer curved up her lip and a smile appeared.

    “Ashley; lets go to my house.”

    ‘Sorry, society, hunting down the serious killer will have to wait because I don’t want to waste any of my 4 days 8 hours and 12 minutes with Ashley,’

    Spencer’s house wasn’t really big which came off as a surprised to Ashley because she imagined Spencer’s house would be fairly expensive looking since the blonde always living in some fancy hotel day after day and even have her own personal driver.

    Yet, the house seemed perfect in Ashley’s eyes, yes; the house that will shelter them from society from the time being is just simply perfect. They can finally be distracted from the crazy society and the chaotic media.

    “Ashley, you can put your lugged down here. There is only one bedroom because I never expected anyone to step a foot here but don’t worry the bed is big enough for both of us to sleep comfortably.”

    “That’s fine with me.”

    Spencer watched as Ashley watch slowly into the bedroom, her bedroom, the one place that no other human being had stepped a foot in. In sheer amusement, Spencer saw Ashley lie down on the bed and closes her eyes.

    Spencer can’t believe Ashley just lie down on HER bed, not moving and just simply resting and ignoring her. Still, it is better that she is relaxed than worry.

    Suddenly, Spencer seemed to recall something. She went to the living room and pulled off the phone plug and put away her laptop.

    ‘Ashley, it is going be just the two of us for the time being. I promised you no outside distraction.’

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