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    4 days 8 hours 12 minutes – (Chapter: Running Out Of Time)

    “Good morning, my beautiful lover.”

    “ARGH!!” Ashley said as she pushed Spencer off of her.

    “Ashley, you should have seen your face. That was a great wake up call isn’t it?”

    “Spencer, sometimes I really think you need to get your head examined and one more thing, and don’t call me beautiful,” Ashley said as she closed her eyes trying to adjusting the light that shone from the window.

    “Don’t worry Ashley; I already had my head examined multiple times and all the resulted concluded that I am without a doubt a genius.”


    “Hey, Ashley, what is for breakfast?”

    The brunette look at her confused for a second, then she asks, “Why are you asking me?”

    Smile innocently, “Because I am not allowed to be near a stove or any cooking utensils. I mean it is not really my fault, I believe that anyone can accidentally burn sugar on a frying pan to the point that a small fire had been started. Also, how am I supposed to know that the smell of burn cheese would linger around a kitchen for weeks and…”

    “Ok, STOP! I will be in charged of feeding us,” Ashley is getting more and more frustrated with Spencer, maybe it’s a bad idea that she agreed to come to Spencer’s at the first place. ‘Jeez, if only she could shut up for a SECOND!’

    “I know Ashley would make the wise decision, so what is for breakfast lover?” the blonde asked as she grin from ear to ear.

    Stupid and useless Spencer; lets see there are absolutely nothing in the refrigerator except for candy. Ashley growl when the only thing she could find in refrigerator is candy, candy, candy…and more candy!! ‘Oh and when did I become her lover?’ the brunette blushed.

    “Spencer, when was the last time you went grocery shopping?”

    “Just couple days ago, I brought candy, imported chocolate, marshmallow, soda …” Spencer was cut off when the brunette roll her eyes as she say, “It is a miracle that you are not obese with mouth full of cavity based on the ridicules amount of sugar you seemed to be consuming for breakfast, lunch and dinner.”

    Spencer narrowed her blue eyes with a serious face, “Ashley, I will never be fat because every time I eat sugar I would mentally chant “will not get fat, will not get cavity” and if I do decide to sleep I always remember to brush my teeth.” the blonde seems to be proud of her own knowledge and of course it’s driving Ashley crazy.

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