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    The Way You Are – (Chapter: Looking back. )

    "Jeez, Kyla’s out like a light." Aiden picked up Kyla’s hand and let it flop back down.

     "want me to wake her up?" Ashley whispered, a sleeping Spencer on her lap.

    "Nah, i got it. her room is to the left right?" Aiden picked up Kyla, her head dangling on his shoulder. 

    "mhhm" Ashley responded, brushing Spencer’s hair back. Aiden returned and sat back in his spot. "thanks, for helping me take care of her. She’d be bawling her eyes out all night if you weren’t here." 

    "Really? I’m glad i could help. What’s the big deal with her and Glen anyway? "

    "On Kyla’s eighteenth birthday, Glen had way too much to drink. They were dating. by the way. For like a year or something…"



    "Kyla! Come here!" Kyla turned around from dancing with Spencer, Madison and Ashley

    "Glen come on, you haven’t  left the stupid bar since we got here. I knew i shouldn’t have convinced my dad to let us have drinks."

    "Have a beer with me." Glen grabbed  her waist and pulled her closer.

    "I hate beer. you know that. Honestly Glen, if you’re going to be this kind of boyfriend, you need to leave. I’ll call you a cab. You’re not driving" She pulled away from him.

    "I’ll take him. " Madison came up behind Kyla. "I don’t want you to see him like this, girl. It’s pathetic."

    "Thanks Mads."

    "I’ll be back in a bit. Come on dumb shit." Madison grabbed Glens arm and pulled him out of the club. Kyla joined Spencer and Ashley.

    "I don’t know Ky, Madison’s not excactly stone sober right now.." Spencer pointed out.

    "Anything but him being here. I can’t believe him" Kyla shook her head and looked at her feet.

    "Don’t let it bother you, sis! Just enjoy yourself. you only turn eighteen once." Ashley put her arm around her sister.


    "Glen and Madison both kinda avoided Kyla for a few weeks. They finally broke up a month later.  We haven’t hung out with Mads since the party. Then Spence caught Glen and Madison watching a movie on her couch, and she was clearly pregnant. We told Kyla but she refused to believe Madison would do that to her. Madison’s a slut. There’s no hiding that. So we just thought it was with some uy she slept with. Not Glen." Ashley explained.

    "No way. How’d she find out it was Glen’s? Holy shit Glen has a son!?" Aiden shouted. Ashley put her finger to her lips and pointed to Spencer.

    "Spencer was called to the hospital by her mom. Everyone knew except us. Because of Kyla. Then we found out through Spencer. Kyla was a wreck. She barely ate and barely hung out with anyone besides me and Spence. Then the whole thing with Spencer happened. WE broke up.. then i started to be ..bad. Like a rebel i guess. Anyway, long story short. I got sent away to a boarding compact school. And, well, here i am."

    "That’s…rough." There was a sudden knock at the door.

    "could you get that? I dont wanna move spencer." Ash asked Aiden.

    "Yeah, Sure." Aiden walked over to the door and opened it to reveal a tiny tanned brunette with a grey sun dress on. Aiden dropped his jaw and froze. 

    "Oh, my. Hi, I’m looking for Ashley Davies but…maybe i have the wrong house…" Aiden  shook his head and pointed to Ashley. "Or…the right one." The girl came closer to Aiden. He managed to resist.

    "Ashley’s over there on the couch…" Aiden stepped away. 

    "Who are you?" She smiled. Before Aiden could answer, Ashley stepped infront of him.

    "Interested in my sister. That’s who he is. Aiden, can you give us a second" Ashley turned to him

    "I’m uh..just going to go. Want me to take Spencer with me?"

    "No. She’ll stay here."

    "who’s Spencer?" the girl asked. 

    "Uhm, bye ladies. Nice meeting you.." Aiden turned around and left. Leaving the two brunettes face to face.


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