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    Coming Undone – (Chapter: Fourteen {End of the Road})

    {End of the Road}


                    Ashley hummed to herself as she stepped into the elevator of her building.  As she waited for the elevator to reach her floor, Ashley’s humming got louder and she started to tap her feet to the imaginary music.  She was beyond ecstatic and could not help swinging side to side, as she thought about Spencer.  Ashley’s phone vibrated and as the elevator reached her floor, she looked down at her phone and stepped out. 

                    Her phone was knocked out of her hand as she bumped into whoever was waiting for the elevator.

                    “Sorry, I…” Her words died in her throat as she came face to face with Gia’s water damaged, blood shot eyes.  “Gia…what…”

                    “I came to help cheer Kyla up…for whatever she was so upset about the other day.  And I wanted to see you too but you weren’t here so…”

                    “I was…”

                    “With Spencer, I know.”

                    Ashley watched as Gia wiped her nose and cleared her throat as she tried to keep the tears back to no avail.  She looked at Ashley for what seemed like forever before she spoke again.  “You know?  You could have just told me…I mean…I know I was upset that night but this…this is a hundred times worse.”

                    “I never meant for this to happen Gia.”

                    Gia was quiet for another moment as she looked at Ashley and wanted to believe that the brunette was being genuine.  She placed the back of her hand on Ashley’s cheek and gently kissed her. 

                    “Goodbye Ashley,” Gia said simply before stepping into the still waiting elevator.  Ashley glanced at Gia one last time before the doors closed.  Ashley ran her hand through her hair and made her way over to her loft door and opened it.  Kyla was sitting on the couch.

                    “Did you tell Gia where I was?”

                    “No…but she overheard a very angry message I left you.”

                    “What?  You don’t know how to close a door?”

                    Kyla turned to face Ashley, looking at her sister as if she had five heads.  “It is not my job to clean up your messes Ashley.  The girl comes over, out of the blue, looking for you and telling me to cheer up over some guy that I don’t even know about.  I’m all for helping you cover your tracks, but how about you clue me in?”

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