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    Living and Learning – (Chapter: So ur gay?)

    Chapter 5


    Ashley’s house


    Everyone is sitting around the pool having fun and talking. Spencer is sitting with Jamie, Kyla, and Reese.


    Jamie: so spencer can I ask you a question?


    Spencer: sure


    Jamie: How did u end up with a kid


    Tasha: (smacking jamie’s arm) That’s none of your business


    Spencer: no its alright


    Jamie: ha see


    Spencer: Well when I was 17 me and my best friend aiden decided we wanted to date and we had sex and then I was pregnant with Taryn we thought about not having her or giving her up for adoption but I just couldn’t handle someone else raising my kid so we decided to keep her and here I am today.


    Ashley: (walking up) I don’t wanna sound rude but why aren’t you and her dad still together?


    Spencer: Well after we had her I realized that I was more into girls than I am into guys and we broke up on very good terms he met someone else got married and everything is great.


    Jamie: so ur gay?


    Tasha: omg Jamie mind ur onw business


    Spencer: yea I am gay


    Kyla: damn everyone I hang out with is gay


    Reese: I’m not


    Kyla: True (high fiving reese) power to us straight people


    Ashley: yea power to u guys but theirs more of us we over power all of u


    Reese: she has a point

    Kyla: yea, yea, yea lets go watch a movie


    Everybody got up to go in the house but Ashley she stayed outside spencer looked and still seen ash sittin their so she decided to go back out and sit with her and see whats up.


    Spencer: hey aren’t you coming


    Ashley: yea I’ll be in, in a minute I was just thinking


    Spencer: can I ask what about


    Ashley: you actually


    Spencer: oh yea what about me


    Ashley: Instead of going to the movies tomorrow as friends do u think it could be a date


    Spencer: your asking me out on a date


    Ashley: yes I am


    Spencer: well then yes I would love to go out on a date with you now lets go watch that movie


    Ashley: ok lets go


    Spencer and Ashley went into the house to watch the movie. They ended up watching The Hitcher witch turned out not to be that bad of a movie. The whole time during the movie Spencer and Ashley kept stealing glances at each other. Neither being able to wait til their date tomorrow night.




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