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    light thunder – (Chapter: the begining of the end of the world)

    ashley hopped in the time machine

    should i continue???


    1. you’re really pathetic you know that? your stories are horrible…in fact, they can’t even be called stories. honestly, you ruin the entire fanfiction experience by even posting your trash. i get why you’re jealous. she’s an amazing writer, one you could only dream to be as good as. grow up.

    2. Oh my. So I have to say I’m really disappointed. I obviously have seen the stuff you’ve “written” in the past and while I thought it was ridiculous I never commented. But now I just feel like something needs to be said. I don’t think it’s fair of you to mock other writers on this board. Eyeheartmusik is talented and puts a lot of work into her writing … where do you get off basically putting “White Lightening” down by turning it into a one liner? “White Lightening” is only one chapter in and it has me captivated. Take your pranks and go somewhere else. And if you insist on writing like you have in the past, at least be kind enough not to put down other authors. It’s rude, and inconsiderate; we are all here for constructive criticism. Eyeheartmusik shouldn’t have to be subjected to your antics, nor anyone else on SoN Online.

    3. I don’t really understand why you felt the need to do this. But I think that there’s a solution. If you think you’re a better writer then prove it, I challenge you to a five chapter one shot contest. Five Chapters, its a duel fanfiction style, if you had the guts to do this, then you definitely should have no problem backing yourself up. We’ll let the members on this site vote and decide on a winner. You down?

    4. Wow..thats You truly are a pathetic little bitch. Have some respect for someone who actually writes good stories unlike you. And I should also say that even if you guys are having this 5 stories war thing going on, I have already made my choice [eyeheartmusik woot!] and I’m sure that everyone else will too. Who the fuck would pick your stupid stories you fucking phychotic bitch. And bringing your grandma into this? Are you fucking kidding me?! Have some respect for her too. Learn something asshole.

    5. I have a suggestion for you “walkingsenna”. Why don’t you READ one of her stories and then decide whether or not your supporting Miss Pre-school here.As for “eyeheartmusik”, I really don’t think you should put alot of effort into that challenge , ’cause I highly doubt “Lavizzy” is mature enough to.Really , both of you, don’t bother, “eyeheartmusik” hands down.

    6. you’re really pathetic you know that? your stories are horrible…in fact, they can’t even be called stories. honestly, you ruin the entire fanfiction experience by even posting your trash. i get why you’re jealous. she’s an amazing writer, one you could only dream to be as good as. grow up.

    7. Oh my. So I have to say I’m really disappointed. I obviously have seen the stuff you’ve “written” in the past and while I thought it was ridiculous I never commented. But now I just feel like something needs to be said. I don’t think it’s fair of you to mock other writers on this board. Eyeheartmusik is talented and puts a lot of work into her writing … where do you get off basically putting “White Lightening” down by turning it into a one liner? “White Lightening” is only one chapter in and it has me captivated. Take your pranks and go somewhere else. And if you insist on writing like you have in the past, at least be kind enough not to put down other authors. It’s rude, and inconsiderate; we are all here for constructive criticism. Eyeheartmusik shouldn’t have to be subjected to your antics, nor anyone else on SoN Online.

    8. I don’t really understand why you felt the need to do this. But I think that there’s a solution. If you think you’re a better writer then prove it, I challenge you to a five chapter one shot contest. Five Chapters, its a duel fanfiction style, if you had the guts to do this, then you definitely should have no problem backing yourself up. We’ll let the members on this site vote and decide on a winner. You down?

    9. Wow..thats You truly are a pathetic little bitch. Have some respect for someone who actually writes good stories unlike you. And I should also say that even if you guys are having this 5 stories war thing going on, I have already made my choice [eyeheartmusik woot!] and I’m sure that everyone else will too. Who the fuck would pick your stupid stories you fucking phychotic bitch. And bringing your grandma into this? Are you fucking kidding me?! Have some respect for her too. Learn something asshole.

    10. I have a suggestion for you “walkingsenna”. Why don’t you READ one of her stories and then decide whether or not your supporting Miss Pre-school here.As for “eyeheartmusik”, I really don’t think you should put alot of effort into that challenge , ’cause I highly doubt “Lavizzy” is mature enough to.Really , both of you, don’t bother, “eyeheartmusik” hands down.

    11. aww man wat tha fuck!! wat tha hell is dis shit? aint even a story…damn u wack as fuck..u need sum major help. naw fuck dat..eyeheartmusik gots sum madd skillz, her stories r off tha chain while urs r weak. fuck ya i cant wait fo da battle..eyeheartmusik is gonna win hands down

    12. aww man wat tha fuck!! wat tha hell is dis shit? aint even a story…damn u wack as fuck..u need sum major help. naw fuck dat..eyeheartmusik gots sum madd skillz, her stories r off tha chain while urs r weak. fuck ya i cant wait fo da battle..eyeheartmusik is gonna win hands down

    13. ok, for the person who mentioned liam sullivan’s skit where he makes a music video as “kelly”: i think i get what you’re trying to say – that extreme minimalism can be used for comedic value. i agree. but you have to take into account that the video relies heavily on visual comedy and dramatic camera angles, etc., to make it much more impressive and funny. if this was more than one sentence, it might be funny. if you read the words to the video shoes, would it be funny? probably not. basically, i get the idea, but it’s executed horribly. not like these little smackdowns don’t amuse me – they do – but, for real. they’re mainly just here to piss people off. and for those that freak out over these fics: don’t respond. your responses are the fuel. alright?

    14. ok, for the person who mentioned liam sullivan’s skit where he makes a music video as “kelly”: i think i get what you’re trying to say – that extreme minimalism can be used for comedic value. i agree. but you have to take into account that the video relies heavily on visual comedy and dramatic camera angles, etc., to make it much more impressive and funny. if this was more than one sentence, it might be funny. if you read the words to the video shoes, would it be funny? probably not. basically, i get the idea, but it’s executed horribly. not like these little smackdowns don’t amuse me – they do – but, for real. they’re mainly just here to piss people off. and for those that freak out over these fics: don’t respond. your responses are the fuel. alright?

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