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    A Lovely Trip to Antartica – (Chapter: 11 The Hotel)

    A lovely trip to Antarctica
    Chapter 11

    "Finally, Tokyo!" Spencer exclaimed, obviously excited, as the two girls while walked over to the baggage claim area.

    "About time! That was, like, the longest plane ride ever!" Ashley complained in reply, as they spotted their bags rolling out on the conveyer belt. Taking the luggage and starting out of the airport, they walked out into the busy streets of Tokyo.

    "So, where do we go first?" Spencer asked excitedly.

    "Well, I think we should go shopping, I heard that they have these cutest things around here!" Ashley all but squealed.

    "Wait a sec… We came all the way to Japan, and all you want to do is go shopping?" Spencer asked.

    "Well, I promise after we go shopping, we can go have some sushi!" Ashley said, looking at Spencer somewhat pleadingly.

    "Ashley, can we go shopping tomorrow? I’m kinda tired!" Spencer whined.

    "Wait a second, weren’t you just all excited and hyper a minute ago. How can you suddenly just not wanna do anything? Wait a sec… how can you be tired? It’s…noon." Ashley said, after a moment spent considering the time difference.

    "Well, yeah, But I’m used to our time zone, in which it would be about,"she checked her unadjusted watch,"8 p.m. on July 24, which is technically yesterday, plus that nearly twelve hour flight just caught up with me. Can’t we just go later? I mean, we’re here for four days. And technically we can always just cancel that flight and leave another time. C’mon, I really want to take a nap." Spencer dramatically pouted.

    ‘PMS, much? was Ashley’s first thought. But, seeing as it probably wouldn’t be a very good idea to say that out load… "Ok, ok, settle down. I guess you’re right. We do have a while. I guess it would be a good idea to get a hotel now instead of later. Now off we go to find a top notch hotel!" Ashley said, hoping to appease her most likely hormone-stricken girlfriend.

    Spencer’s demeanor instantaneously changed,"Oh, no, Ashley! It doesn’t have to be top notch, you’ve already used enough money on me!" she was quick to reply.

    "No, no, no! This is an all expense paid, remember? Don’t worry I won’t run out of money!" Ashley reassured Spencer.

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