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    It’s New York City Anything Can Happen – (Chapter: 13)

    Chapter 13
    Ashley’s POV
    Spencer still hadn’t said anything. I was beginning to get worried; it had been at least five minutes since this random girl had made her introduction and the blonde’s jaw was still on the floor. The shorter blonde’s smokey gaze still rested on the lawyer. After another few moments of silence I figured that I should probably help out a bit.
    I walked over to Spencer and used one of my hands to close her mouth and the other I wrapped around her waist to steady her. Though Spencer’s mouth was now shut it was clear that she wasn’t going to be speaking anytime soon, so I figured I would do the honors. 
    "Yeah, what’s your name kid?" she stared at me, looking me up and down in the same way I had done to her before.
    "What’s it to you?"
    "Nothing, I just figured that seeing as you just barged in here, without any warning, and started messing with my girl–" she stopped herself, "lawyer’s life, she should at least know your name." The girl shrugged her shoulders.
    "Kat," I raised my eyebrows in disbelief.
    "Okay Katherine, but everybody calls me Kat…"
    "Allright Kat this, uh, this claim your making that you’re Mrs. Carlin’s daughter do you have any proof to back it up?" I asked still doubting this little girl’s motives.
    "Yeah I do…I don’t have a fucking clue who my father is, I was kinda hopin mommy dearest here did. Anyway when I was in foster care I wasn’t…how to put this…popular," she chuckled, "the foundation that sponsered me let it slip that the woman who dropped me off came from Cali. Well I’m not stupid, despite what all of the swell people I lived with say," everything she said was dripping with sarcasm. She reminded me alot of myself, "I did some research and before ya know it," she waved her hands around the office, "I’m here…"
    When she finished talking I found I still had some doubts. Her story had some gaping holes in it, but for now I figured I’d let it slide. I looked over at Spencer to find that she had moved on to sit in her "comfy" chair, Well at least some of her motor skills still work. 
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    1. AND THE TRUTH…shall set you freee! haha sorry, someone in the house was watching liar liar last night and it was up so loud i could hear it across the house. had to do it though. HAD TO! but damn homie! spencers got some mad baggage lol. cheating on her wife and now a kid? sheesh. wonder if she’ll tell her about kyla lol…hmmm…or with spencer’s luck kyla will show up at the office and think that kat’s their marriage’s saving grace. ha. good god. wonderful as always my friend!

    2. SAY WHAT?!!! Whoa! Caught me way off guard. I love how you expressed ashley’s feelings and actions toward the girl. She wants to hold on to a part a spencer and maybe learn more about her. Exciting Exciting. Can’t wait to read more

    3. AND THE TRUTH…shall set you freee! haha sorry, someone in the house was watching liar liar last night and it was up so loud i could hear it across the house. had to do it though. HAD TO! but damn homie! spencers got some mad baggage lol. cheating on her wife and now a kid? sheesh. wonder if she’ll tell her about kyla lol…hmmm…or with spencer’s luck kyla will show up at the office and think that kat’s their marriage’s saving grace. ha. good god. wonderful as always my friend!

    4. SAY WHAT?!!! Whoa! Caught me way off guard. I love how you expressed ashley’s feelings and actions toward the girl. She wants to hold on to a part a spencer and maybe learn more about her. Exciting Exciting. Can’t wait to read more

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