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    Soundtrack of Life – (Chapter: I Can’t Hate You Anymore)

    I Can’t Hate You Anymore

    Am I really ready for this? Can I handle this talk? Oh god what am I doing? I’m so not ready for this…I’ll just call back and reschedule. It’ll be fi-

    Ding Dong

    “Shit…guess it’s now or never Kyla…”

    I think I’d prefer never…

    I let him in and we went up to my room. Ashley had left a few hours ago, saying something about Chelsea and how the was sure she about getting Spencer back…I don’t know, I wasn’t exactly paying attention. I was too worried about what was about to happen with the boy of my dreams and this whole ‘talk’ we were going to have. I guess one of us should start…



    Wow, he’s just as nervous as me. Good to know. Makes me feel a little bit better at least.

    “How’ve you been?”

    “How do you think I’ve been Aiden?”



    That’s it Kyla, keep up that tough girl front. Ashley’s taught you well.

    “M-maybe I should just go…”

    Awww he’s so cute when he’s nervous! DAMN IT! No Kyla, don’t you dare fold! Not after all he’s done. Don’t go looking into those…cute, emerald green eyes…those puppy dog eyes…SHIT!

    “NO! I-I mean, you don’t have to. I really want to talk to you…”

    “I really want to talk to you too.”

    “Ok, so…what was so important that you couldn’t say it over the phone?”


    “Um? Is that it?”


    “Aiden, if that’s all you’re going to say then maybe you should le–”

    “I’m in love with you.”

    Wait? What was that? Did everyone else hear that? Mic check. Check 1, check 1-2. Check 1-2.


    “I’m in love with you Kyla.”

    That’s what I thought you said…

    “That’s what I thought you said…”

    “Do you see why I couldn’t do this over the phone?”

    “Uh yeah…but, wait. I thought you were ‘so in love’ with Ashley. Where the hell did these feelings for me come from?”

    “She and I had a talk…she helped me realize some things.”

    “Oh really? Like what?”

    “Like what she and I had is in the past, and it’s completely done.”

    “That it?”

    “No. She helped me realize that I know pretty much the bare facts about her, but when it comes to you…I know everything.”

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