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    Backwards! – (Chapter: 24)

    Chapter 24

        Spencer sat back against the pier and let out a stream of air. It was unusually cold that night and the blonde sat there in a huddled mass of blankets. Missing the familiar warmth of Ashley she rocked back and forth. She hadn’t been able to stop the tears. After Kyla had left Spencer found herself alone again. Alone and in pain. Physical and mental pain. Physically she was recovering from the incredible high she had recieved the night before and mentally because she could not get a certain brunette out of her head. Not knowing what to do Spencer had immediately retired to the beach, her ocmfort zone. The box in her pocket made her hear hurt more as she thought back to what she was going to ask before she found Ashley with…with that girl. At the mention of that girl Spenncer was filled with anger. She ruined everything… Spencer surprised herself as a low growl escaped her throat.

        "Why the hell does this always happen to me?" she muttered to no one in particular.

        "Because you are one of those people that everyone loves to hare…" Spencer’s head jerked up to see Rowan standing there looking down sadly at her friend.

        "I mean you’re the rich, gay outcast that is ruining some people’s perfect world," he sighed as he sat down beside her scooting over so that her head could rest on his chest. He rocked her back and forth gently, "you and me hust went through the worst time, and I’m sorry to say that we aren’t through it yet…" Spencer nodded amazed that the blonde could have known what was wrong before she had said it but then it struck her. Madison would have told her… and snuggled closer to the taller blonde.

         "But…Fuck Rowan…I should have listened to you…I was just another notch in her headboard…"

        "I’m sorry I should have tried to help more but I ran… I took the easy way out I didn’t want to face her again," Spencer tensed up and Rowan felt it and knew why, "I was high when I told Ashley that I loved her Spencer… I didn’t mean it… I’ve been going through a harsh drug addiction." He laughed, "You’d think I would know better seeing as my mom… well you know…" Spencer didn’t find it funny.

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