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    Face Down – (Chapter: 4)

                “Fine,” I said giving in to her. “I’ll go to school, but not today. Today is out of the question. We’re already gone.”

                “So what are we gonna do today?” she asked.

                “I have a few ideas,” I smile seductively.



                I leaned closer and kissed down her jaw line. I moved to her earlobe and slightly nipped at it. She pulled me closer and rested her hands on my hips. She slowly inched her hands up my shirt. I moved down to her neck, kissing and nipping. I heard a soft moan escape her lips as I sucked on her pulse point. I stopped and lead her to my room. I shut the door and pushed her up against it. She smiled sweetly as I brushed the hair out of her face. She put a hand on the small of my back and one on the back of my neck. She pulled me close. She leaned in and kissed me softly. I traced her bottom lip with my tongue, begging for entrance. She surrendered and our soft, sweet kiss turned into a passionate duel of tongues. I pulled her away from the door, not breaking the kiss, and pushed her to the bed. I lightly pushed her down on the bed. I crawled over on top of her and kissed her passionately. I moved to her jaw line and then to her neck. My hand traveled down her side and rested on the hem of her pants. I started to undo her pants.

                “Ash,” she said softly.

                I stopped and looked up. “Yeah,” I said.

                “I—I’m not ready,” she said.

                “Ok,” I smiled. I rolled next to her.

                “I’m sorry,” she said looking at her hands.

                I lifted her chin so she looked me in the eyes. “It’s perfectly fine,” I said. “For you, I can wait forever.”

                “You are so sweet,” she said in between soft kisses.

                We laid next to each other for about an hour. I started to doze off. I heard her giggling.

                “What’s so funny?” I asked.

                “You,” she smiled.

                “What about me?” I asked sitting up.

                “You’re falling asleep,” she laughed, “and you’re trying so hard not to.”

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    1. uh oh! not good! not good at all. i bet that asshat josh had something to do with this…grrrr. either that or paulas being effing lame. bah. great update!!

    2. uh oh! not good! not good at all. i bet that asshat josh had something to do with this…grrrr. either that or paulas being effing lame. bah. great update!!

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