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    Everything And Nothing – (Chapter: Sing to me)

                Aiden had sweat dripping off of his face as he spun the ball backwards in his hands. The game had been tough and he had played like shit. A few seconds before the end of the final quarter he had been fouled and it was a tie game. If he made this shot, the Texans would win but that wasn’t what was on his mind. His mind was wandering, his arms were aching and he was nervous. His nerves weren’t related to the game either. He had Ashley on the brain, on the heart and everywhere else. If everything had gone according to plan, Madison and Kristen had been able to nab Spencer before the “big date”. Aiden would swoop in on his white horse and rescue Ashley from her broken heart. Little did he know that things weren’t unfolding according to plan. He squared his feet and shot the ball, it arced toward the hoop and hit the backboard. At last it bounced in.




                “Kristen. Madison. Get the fuck out of my way.” Ashley gripped Spencer’s hand protectively as she stared down the other two girls. Nothing is going to ruin this night for us. The brunette pulled up her curls with the elastic on her wrist and moved in front of Spencer who had whipped off her blindfold. Both girls looked a little nervous and caught off guard.




    “Aiden said Ashley wasn’t supposed to be here yet. Um. What do we do?” Ashley started forward with her fists by her side clenched tightly. Spencer couldn’t help but notice how amazing she looked tonight.




    “What should you do? I have a good idea. I’m gonna give you five seconds to get both of your fat asses out of here. I suggest you run,” Ashley sounded menacing and the girls thought about it for only a moment before taking off. Ashley wanted to chase them but decided against it. Turning back to Spencer she smiled, throwing her brunette curls free from the elastic. Her hair smelled like fresh strawberries and Spencer’s knees felt weak at the sight of her smile.



    “So are you ready to put that blindfold back on gorgeous? Your surprise is still ready and waiting,” Ashley smiled and tried to push down her nervous anticipation. Something about the blonde made her come alive. Sure she had been with plenty of other people boys and girls but nothing had ever compared to this. Not even what she’d had with Samantha. Just the prospect of being with Spencer made her heart warm and her mind wander into the future. Quit thinking about the future Davies. Just go with the flow and don’t be a nerd. Play it cool. Spencer just rolled her deep blue eyes and placed the blindfold over her eyes and held out her hand for Ashley. The brunette gladly accepted it and led her out the door.

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    1. Aiden’s personality is actually based on someone that i know. Someone who hurt me pretty bad, so yes… i hate Aiden in my story but in the show I don’t really mind him :-)

    2. Aiden’s personality is actually based on someone that i know. Someone who hurt me pretty bad, so yes… i hate Aiden in my story but in the show I don’t really mind him :-)

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