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    Face Down – (Chapter: 5)

                “I went to the left and kept going straight,” she said.

                “Ok,” I said. I got in my car and backed out of the driveway. I sped to her house. “I’m on my way.”

                “Hurry,” she said. I could hear her starting to cry again. “I need you so bad.”




                “Just hold on,” I said. “I’m on my way.”

                “I’m at a park,” she said. “Do you want me to wait here?”

                “Yeah,” I said. “Stay in a well lit area. I’m just passing your house now.”

                “Ok,” she said. “I’m sitting on a be—.”

                The line went dead. “Spencer?” I said. “Spencer? Are you there?”

                I sped up and found the park. I saw a figure kicking something on the ground. As I got closer, I noticed it was a person that was getting beaten. I frantically scanned the park for Spencer. When I didn’t see her I slammed the brakes and put my car in park. I jumped out and ran towards the figure.

                “Spencer!” I shouted.

                “Ash!” she shouted in pain. “Help!”

                The figure turned and faced me. His eyes were full of anger. He stepped towards me. “I’m gonna kill you,” he snarled.

                “Get over yourself, Josh,” I said walking past him toward Spencer.

                “Ash, watch out!” Spencer shouted. I spun around only to get stabbed in the stomach.

                Josh heard some people coming and ran. I brought my hand up from my stomach and saw that it was covered in blood. I staggered back a bit before falling to the ground. Spencer rushed to my side. She covered my stomach with her hand.

                “Ash,” she said, “oh my god, are you ok?”

                “I’m ok,” I said. I grabbed her hand. “Are you ok? Did he hurt you?”

                “Look at you,” she said with tears in her eyes, “you were just stabbed and you’re more worried about me. Come on. We have to get you to the hospital.”

                “Ok,” I said. She helped me get up and we walked to the car. I started to get in the driver side but Spencer stopped me.

                “Oh hell no,” she said. “You are not driving. Climb over to the other side.”

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    1. I KNEW IT! it’s all joshs fault! UGH! ass. i’ll kill him damn it! no one messes with spashley and gets away with it! grrrr. officially pissed yo! officially pissed. haha. love the story for reaaaal. great update!

    2. I KNEW IT! it’s all joshs fault! UGH! ass. i’ll kill him damn it! no one messes with spashley and gets away with it! grrrr. officially pissed yo! officially pissed. haha. love the story for reaaaal. great update!

    3. finally read your story and Im lovin it. PMS pretty please! How is spencer going to deal w/ being kicked out and is she going to be allowed go back home again? to many questions. update please I have to know

    4. finally read your story and Im lovin it. PMS pretty please! How is spencer going to deal w/ being kicked out and is she going to be allowed go back home again? to many questions. update please I have to know

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