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    Project New Girl – (Chapter: Reality)

    I woke the following morning with an enormous smile on my face.  I figured I must have been grinning in my sleep all night, because my cheeks ached and my jaw felt strained.  I rolled onto my side and buried my blushing face under my duvet, finding comfort in my thoughts and memories of the evening.  All was finally cleared up with Spencer, I knew the truth, she knew the truth, and we were all set to have a fresh start with each other.  I wanted to take it slowly, not just because of the bet but because I wanted to savour everything I’d been so quick to rush into last time I’d been with her.  The fact we’d slept together after only one afternoon of knowing how we both felt was testament to the fact I should have waited.  This time I’ll do it right – this time I have to do it right, or I’ll lose her and it’ll be all my fault.

    I had just seven days to keep Spencer at bay; seven days to make sure I did nothing sexual with her just in case Aiden remained true to his word and told her about our unsavory bet.  I knew I ought to have been truthful with her, and that I was walking a fine line, but I honestly believed all would be okay, just so long as I lasted the duration of time, and showed her that the bet meant nothing to me.  That she meant everything to me.

    I opened my eyes and glanced at my alarm clock.  11.30am.  Shit – overslept!  Feeling the need to galvanise myself I had a quick shower and left my apartment in favour of eating out for breakfast, eventually finding myself ordering coffee and a full English breakfast at Loaf.  Nothing like a full English breakfast to start your day.  Gina was her warm, smiley self and greeted me as she usually did; a hug upon entering and a promise she would bring my usual over to my table.  I loved that it was my table.  It was always free, and always there for me, right there so I could look over all the other patrons in the place.

    Settling down into the battered old couch I put my feet up and watched the world go by before Gina came over to me, my breakfast and coffee looking as appetising as usual.

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    1. finally! i feel like i’ve been waiting ages for this one! :) so, i hope you hold up your end of the deal and post another this weekend! anyways, this one was great – even though aiden ruins everything because he is an ass. can’t wait for the next one!

    2. finally! i feel like i’ve been waiting ages for this one! :) so, i hope you hold up your end of the deal and post another this weekend! anyways, this one was great – even though aiden ruins everything because he is an ass. can’t wait for the next one!

    3. hooray!! you’re back!! i was about to hop a flight and hunt you down. aiden always ruins everything. i’ve noticed that hahaha. of course..if you didnt, then you’re just blind. blah. stupid aiden. anyways, yay for updates! loved it as always.

    4. hooray!! you’re back!! i was about to hop a flight and hunt you down. aiden always ruins everything. i’ve noticed that hahaha. of course..if you didnt, then you’re just blind. blah. stupid aiden. anyways, yay for updates! loved it as always.

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