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    The Perfect Start – (Chapter: The big game and Interuptions)


    Sitting in their history class Tristan notices Ashley writing something in her notebook.


    “Pisss… ash what-do-u writing?


    “…nothing just something, don’t worry bout it.”


    “alright girl”




    “Yaaa what?”


    “… have you ever… I don’t know feel in love at first sight?”


    “NO! haha are you kidding  hahaaha… why??”


    “Naah, n-no reason just wondering” ‘what the hell is wrong with you LOVE, LOVE Ashley you do not do LOVE!’

    Class was complete torcher, all period Ashley was thinking of the Spencer. Everything reminded her of Spencer. Her mind was set on her and just her.


    Lunch came and Ashley sat at their table trying to pay attention to someone talking but was to busy looking for the blond. She was no where to be seen. Ashley was getting a little irritated that she wasn’t coming. The bell rung and they walked to their last class and it was their favorite,

    Weight training. The teacher was the head coach for the basketball team and he’d let you do what you wanted. The cheerleader’s god knows why they took the class just practice their routines for the games and the rest of us do a little here and there.  

    We were in the middle of running on the tread mill when I saw Her through the mirrors that surrounded the whole gym. She smiled and walked into the office. She walked out and grabbed her clothes.


    “   Ash… you…like her” Jorie asked in-between breaths

    “…No!” she said lying through her teeth.

    “No… I’m telling you… you do” she said smiling


    She came back in wearing nothing that the teacher gave. She was wearing something familiar to what the cheerleaders were wearing. Small green short and a white tank top. She smiled at me again and waved, but then walked over to the cheerleaders.


    ‘She’s a cheerleader?? Damn with that body— STOP just run, run’


    In the mists of keeping her mind off the blond she just kept running, when she stopped she hadn’t realized she ran almost 2 miles, and was covered in sweat.

    Ashley walked over to the side and bent down and grabbed her water bottle, when she looked up she saw a nice pair of legs in front of her. Ashley couldn’t help but slowly look up over viewing the beautiful body in front of her.

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    1. Wow…I’m once adian speechless…Another great post…Keep up the good writing…Can’t wait for SPASHLEY…Lets hope that Spencer can change Ashleys ways…

    2. Wow…I’m once adian speechless…Another great post…Keep up the good writing…Can’t wait for SPASHLEY…Lets hope that Spencer can change Ashleys ways…

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