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    4 days 8 hours 12 minutes – (Chapter: Pain Is Pleasure)

    I understand now. Across from me I can see your smiling face. I don’t want to think about anything. A smile is all I see, your smile to be precise.

    Angry; I am angry now. I am very angry, but I am not sure if the anger was directed towards you or me or our situation. Spencer, you are a heartless person like me. Because of that, I know I cannot love you. Furthermore, we can only be rivals. Friends? Maybe, but I don’t want to, because friends will take over a small spot in a person’s heart and all my rational thoughts are telling me that I need to eliminate you from my heart.

    So why did I kiss you or better yet why am I still kissing you? Why I am still getting lost in your eyes? Oh so beautiful ocean blue eyes? Why, oh why? Why am I feeling this? What have you done to me? There are a dozen questions popping up inside of my head, questions that I don’t have the answers to.






    The taste of Spencer’s blood awakened me. The blood that is lying on the very tip of my tongue is slowly driving me insane. I didn’t realize that my anger had caused me to bite down on Spencer’s lip, my Spencer, my beautiful honey blonde haired girl. The girl who I gave my whole heart to. I am slowly relaxing my grip on Spencer, but just when I was about to let Spencer go, she pulled me back down and continued the kiss. I can feel Spencer draining every part of me dry and sucking my soul out of my host body.

    I want to laugh. I want to scream. I want to let go all my emotions. I want to pity myself because I am losing control. Losing control and falling hard at the same time. I am slipping away for a perfect drug called Spencer Carlin, a perfect drug that wants to take over my body, piece by piece and getting closer and closer. Slowly, little by little, Spencer is taking over my head. My body and my long forgotten…heart. She is taking over everything that is the essence of light. Of me. Of Ashley Davies, Ashley Davies who has no heart, heartless, cold and full of hates.

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