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    Past Revisited – (Chapter: 19-The Donor)

    Spencer and I had finally arrived back home after a very long day. Between the photo shoot and the doctor’s appointment I was exhausted. I opened the front door, letting Spencer and myself in, “I haven’t had a day this long in forever.”

    Spencer walked into the living room and laid her purse down on the coffee table, “I know. But at least it was a great day.”

    I walked up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist, “That it was,” I placed a kiss on her cheek, “Are you ready to call it a night?”

    “Actually I wanted to go through that book of donor names.” Spencer walked out of my arms and grabbed the binder.

    “Um…are you sure you want to do that tonight? I mean, we could always wait until tomorrow.”

    “I want to choose one as soon as possible.”

    “But, I’m beat. Can we just go to bed?”

    Spencer quickly looked at me in confusion, “Ash, what’s up with you? You’ve been acting weird ever since the doctor handed you this book.”

    I walked over to the couch and sat down, “Nothing. It’s just…one of the names that I came across in that book…”

    “What name?” Spencer quickly flipped open the binder and scanned through the names.

    “Spence…Aiden’s name is in that book.”

    Spencer stopped flipping, “What?”

    “Aiden’s name is in that book.”


    “So, it shocked me.”

    Spencer put down the book and began to pace around the room, “No, it didn’t shock you. The thought that came into your head was that you were considering it.”


    “When the name Aiden Dennison suddenly popped back into the picture, you actually began to consider using him as the donor.”

    I looked down at the book, staring at it, “Spence…I…”

    “Just say it Ashley.”

    “Okay, I did.”

    Spencer was furious, “See, I knew it!”

    I stood up from the couch and walked over to Spencer, “The only reason I considered it was because we know who he is.”

    “I can’t believe this! After everything he put us through in high school you actually considered it?”

    I tried to take her hands into my own, “Spencer, please…”

    She pulled her hands out of my grasp, “I’m going to bed.”

    She walked past me and up the stairs. I watched her the whole time. It felt like a dream. I never should’ve said anything. But she was right. The moment that I spotted his name I considered it all. Mostly it was because we knew him. We knew what the baby would look like. As I kept thinking about it all I couldn’t help but wonder if I was trying to make up for the loss of the baby that he and I had conceived.

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    1. I hate to admit it but…a Spencer and Aiden baby would be pretty cute. I think I’m okay with Aiden being the donor. I’m trying really hard to keep the Aiden on the fan fics separate from season finale Aiden (even though I don’t always succeed). I kind of agree with Ashley that it is weird that Aiden got her pregnant and now he helped get Spencer pregnant with her and Ashley’s baby. Anyway, Spashley is still happy and that is all that matters to me. I’ll be looking for your next update.

    2. I have to say this was a great update. I was laughing the whole time at Ashley’s antics in the doctor’s office when she had to have sex with Spencer. I loved how you wrote that. Had me all the way! Can’t wait to see what’s next.

    3. mmmm spashley fluff is good. spashley fluff VERY good hehehe. awww you shouted me out! that was so sweet!! it’s funny that you said i always seem to know where you’re headed. why is it funny? because usually my paranoia gets the best of me and i’m like..WAY off on what happens hahaha. great update!! only one more :-(. sadness.

    4. ok so i’m back…and i was on youtube tonight and i was watching the pilot episode of the l word…and yeah! PRETTY SURE the scene where ashley has to get it on with spencer in teh doctors office was the first thing that came to mind when i was watching the epi. hahaha. LOVE it!

    5. I hate to admit it but…a Spencer and Aiden baby would be pretty cute. I think I’m okay with Aiden being the donor. I’m trying really hard to keep the Aiden on the fan fics separate from season finale Aiden (even though I don’t always succeed). I kind of agree with Ashley that it is weird that Aiden got her pregnant and now he helped get Spencer pregnant with her and Ashley’s baby. Anyway, Spashley is still happy and that is all that matters to me. I’ll be looking for your next update.

    6. I have to say this was a great update. I was laughing the whole time at Ashley’s antics in the doctor’s office when she had to have sex with Spencer. I loved how you wrote that. Had me all the way! Can’t wait to see what’s next.

    7. mmmm spashley fluff is good. spashley fluff VERY good hehehe. awww you shouted me out! that was so sweet!! it’s funny that you said i always seem to know where you’re headed. why is it funny? because usually my paranoia gets the best of me and i’m like..WAY off on what happens hahaha. great update!! only one more :-(. sadness.

    8. ok so i’m back…and i was on youtube tonight and i was watching the pilot episode of the l word…and yeah! PRETTY SURE the scene where ashley has to get it on with spencer in teh doctors office was the first thing that came to mind when i was watching the epi. hahaha. LOVE it!

    9. Wonderful update. I love all of your storys. You are a wonderful writer. Wow so aiden is in the book. Cool Spencer and aiden would make a beautiful baby. LOL to funny they have to have se in the doc office. Cant wait to see more. PMS

    10. Wonderful update. I love all of your storys. You are a wonderful writer. Wow so aiden is in the book. Cool Spencer and aiden would make a beautiful baby. LOL to funny they have to have se in the doc office. Cant wait to see more. PMS

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