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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: Super Massive Black Hole)

    Ashley closed her fuel tank and stuck her head out the hatch. The official at the end of the tarmac she was seated on was trying not to look her way. They were actually making sure she was leaving. Seriously, they were checking it out. That was some bizarre action. They clearly didn’t like her kind on this planet.


    Maybe the church official had made a complaint, worried she’d spill her beans. Maybe they just needed the spot. Or maybe…


    It didn’t matter, she had to fly and the time, apparently, was now.


    ‘Bastards. You’ll learn.’


    She shut the hatch roughly and then walked through the galley/seating area of her craft. On the far side, the open door to the cockpit beckoned. Despite her misgivings of leaving Spencer, she felt that same thrill she always felt whenever she seated herself in the pilot’s chair.


    There was nothing more exhilarating than this, the beating of the engine as it started rotating. The feel of the whole craft humming beneath her touch, and then beginning to rise, fully in her control.


    She grinned and smoothly lifted the craft in the air, manoeuvring it neatly between the other resting ships and into the air. She carefully maintained her path towards the outer atmosphere, keeping a close eye on the local radar.


    There must have been at least 20 ships in the air and yet they were focusing on her, making damn sure that she was leaving the planet. Weird.


    Still, this little planet and it’s dinky communications system wasn’t really much of a match for the amazing Captain Ashley Davies, or her friends. She’d learnt a few tricks along the way and none was going to be more useful than this one.


    She slowed down her exit, and then put Henry on auto-pilot. Moving swiftly, Ashley made her way back to the torpedo slots as they sat in the bowels of the ship. She opened one and pulled out a strange, round object that was in it. Not a torpedo. Then she flicked a switch on it and listened. It didn’t make any sound, and Ashley knew it wouldn’t, but she always listened anyway. It was like a good luck talisman, like knocking on wood.

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    1. “very angry teenager of her” that for some unknown reason made me giggle. :] i love this story AT mucho like. ok now off to read your other update :]:] (so wheres my cookie?)

    2. hehehe! thata girl ashley!! and thata girl spencer! way to let paula have it for once. ugh…paula. lets just not get started on that front haha. amazing update as always!

    3. I’m so happy that Ashley stuck around just for Spencer. Something fishy is going on behind the scenes but I’m not sure if it has to do with Paula or the package Ashley helped deliver. Great update, PMS!

    4. “very angry teenager of her” that for some unknown reason made me giggle. :] i love this story AT mucho like. ok now off to read your other update :]:] (so wheres my cookie?)

    5. hehehe! thata girl ashley!! and thata girl spencer! way to let paula have it for once. ugh…paula. lets just not get started on that front haha. amazing update as always!

    6. I’m so happy that Ashley stuck around just for Spencer. Something fishy is going on behind the scenes but I’m not sure if it has to do with Paula or the package Ashley helped deliver. Great update, PMS!

    7. Wellll Ash left for a long time didn’t she… what a whole hour at most??? LOL I’m glad she was waiting for Spencer. Wonder what mum and step dad will have to day about that??? Awesome update… Do I get a cookie??? Anything with chocolate is good ;)

    8. Wellll Ash left for a long time didn’t she… what a whole hour at most??? LOL I’m glad she was waiting for Spencer. Wonder what mum and step dad will have to day about that??? Awesome update… Do I get a cookie??? Anything with chocolate is good ;)

    9. Wellll Ash left for a long time didn’t she… what a whole hour at most??? LOL I’m glad she was waiting for Spencer. Wonder what mum and step dad will have to day about that??? Awesome update… Do I get a cookie??? Anything with chocolate is good ;)

    10. Wellll Ash left for a long time didn’t she… what a whole hour at most??? LOL I’m glad she was waiting for Spencer. Wonder what mum and step dad will have to day about that??? Awesome update… Do I get a cookie??? Anything with chocolate is good ;)

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