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    Symptoms of Love – (Chapter: 5)

    Aiden still laughing in the window, “Ashley, you are such the pimp girl! Who’s the new hottie? She’s cuter than the last one. What’s up? I’m Aiden.” Aiden reached his hand in the car. Ashley slapped it away.


    Glaring at her goofy friend, “Shut up Aiden. You’ve lost it!”


    “Yeah, okay… miss ..‘3 girls in 2 days’ Ashley has gotten soft!” he teased.


    Ashley looked back at Spencer whose mouth was hanging open. Was I about to be just a thing to Ashley? Damn it, Spencer, How could you be so stupid?


    “Go away Aiden. You jerk!” Ashley said rolling up the window as Aiden went back to the waves.




    “That’s okay, Ashley. You have a lot of girlfriends,” Spencer said nervously pushing the strands of her hair behind her ears.


    Ashley could tell that this news had upset Spencer as she continued, “ I mean I had girlfriends. I don’t think I’ve ever had 3 girls in 2 days, but …but “


    Ashley grabbed her hand, “Okay, Spence. I’ll admit that I have been kind of wild, you know. It’s not that I’m wild so much. I just know what I want.” Spencer pulled her hand away.


    “So was I about to become girl number 2 or 3 Ashley which one?


    “Spencer it’s not like that.. I haven’t been with anyone since I met you.”


    “Oh that’s great Ashley…good job…so what do you want engraved on your trophy. Hmmm.. ‘2 girls in 3 days‘…no maybe…..’New Girl in 3 days’?


    “Spencer why are you so upset? Don’t be like this.”


    “I’m not upset!” Spencer yelled. “You can date whoever you want to!”


    Ashley smiled inside at Spencer’s jealousy. She knew that Spencer was into her. “Spence… just admit it… you like me.”


    “No, I don’t like you,” Spencer lied. “You’re not my type.” Yes, I do like you and you are definitely my type.


    “How can you say that? You were just about to kiss me.”


    “I don’t know. A lapse in judgment. Let‘s just go to school…let‘s just go.”


    “Spencer… please… don’t let Aiden ruin us.” Ashley reached to cup Spencer’s face. Spencer was mad that the contact was making her melt again. She wanted to stay mad at Ashley. But how could she? Her brown eyes were nearly irresistible.

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    1. wow! you’re taking this in a whole new direction!! arthurs a homophobic ass, chelseas like…bi and spencers a p-i-m-p! haha looove it! great update for sure. i kinda feel bad for christine…which is surprising because i never feel bad for her hahaha. cant wait to see the next chappy!

    2. wow! you’re taking this in a whole new direction!! arthurs a homophobic ass, chelseas like…bi and spencers a p-i-m-p! haha looove it! great update for sure. i kinda feel bad for christine…which is surprising because i never feel bad for her hahaha. cant wait to see the next chappy!

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