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    4 days 8 hours 12 minutes – (Chapter: Belongs To Me And You)

    That night the two sat across from each other on the table having dinner as if nothing is bothering them but they both know better. The words were limited but both had questions that they wanted to ask each other. Whether it is Spencer or Ashley no one can recall, but somehow along the silence the television was turned on disrupting the peace once more and the uneasiness increase.

    Now the latest news regarding the where about of the serious killer. It had been over one whole day and as far as the police was concern there were no new death incidents from the killer. Does that mean the killing spree of the serious killer had stopped or was it possible that the killer had something new in mind …”

    Spencer reached over to the remote control and turn off the T.V ‘Click’

    “Spence?” the brunette asked with a confused look, “Why did you turn it off?”

    “I promised you my full attention for 4 days 8 hours and 12 minutes and there is nothing that will make me change my mind.” Spencer said with a sad smile on her face.

    Ashley was surprised that Spencer seemed to be taking this proposal between them very seriously. It is almost as if Spencer was making sure that she won’t have any regret left. There was an awkward silence so the brunette decided to break it.

    “Spence, do you think we are crazy to suggest such irrational proposal to each other?” Ashley asked while she stared at Spencer’s deep ocean blue eyes.

    “Probably, but we both want it and isn’t it about time we both started being selfish?” the blonde broke their gaze as she replied in a soft tone. Full of sadness and shame.


    If only Spencer know the true extend to my own selfishness. The Killer who murdered crime breaker was created because I want to be the new God in a world worthy of my vision. In my vision, the world would be free of criminal. The world would be a place where the innocent doesn’t have to experience fear. I am the very embodiment of the term selfish. But her words sound so tempting, so captivating that I almost feel like I would give up my vision to be with her.

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