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    Past Revisited – (Chapter: 20-Bittersweet)

    My schedule was hectic. My album release was in a day and I felt as if I was behind on everything. Plus, Spencer had taken three pregnancy tests and so far they came back negative. It had only been two days since the “procedure” was done but I still thought that we would have news sooner than this. Spencer had just received word that her book was now being published. It was already being printed off and shipped to stores all over the country.


    Really the only thing missing in my life was the whole baby factor. Other than that I couldn’t have asked for more. It’s amazing how much can happen in almost a year. I never would’ve fathomed that I’d be where I am today. I figured that I’d still be in New York producing music and by myself. Life really threw me for a loop. I finally made it back from my detour and found the main road again.


    Even though I have the girl of my dreams, her face is still all I can see, her scent is all I can smell, and her kiss is all I can taste. We are no longer strangers who lived across the country from one another. Every wish that I have ever had has finally come true and I honestly don’t know how to fathom it all. I had a home. A real, true home with a family. My life was no longer a twenty-four hour drama-thon.


    “Ash, here’s the copy of your c.d. that you requested.”


    I took the c.d. from Madison, “Thanks.”


    “Why’d you request the first copy anyways?”


    “It’s a surprise.”


    “Ahh…I see.” Madison walked across the room to her purse and pulled out a tube of lip gloss, “So are you and Spencer prego yet?”


    “So far the tests say negative. Spence is really worried about it.”


    Madison threw her gloss back in her purse, “And you’re not?”


    I shrugged, “I dunno how I feel about it. I feel like everything will work out the way it’s supposed to.”


    It was the truth. I did feel like everything would work out for the better. Everything in my gut told me that it’d be okay. Usually Spencer was the one always sure of herself. But this time it was me. It was finally my turn to be the comforting one in our relationship.

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    1. *sigh…wipes tear away* I couldn’t have asked for a better ending. It is so great to Spashley so happy together forever. Great ending and great story overall! I hope you start a new fic after this.

    2. awwwwwww!!!!! ok, that would be the third time i’ve cried over a fic today. and you know that it’s a true testimate to how good an author is when they make their readers cry. because that means they convey images, through their words, and draw the readers in. this is why reading is better than movies. because you arent actually seeing these things right in front of you…you’re forced to picture them, and when the author puts such images into your brain, even the sounds, its almost like you’re living it. you’re so awesome! i can only hope to be as good of an author as you. kudos. bahahaha. kudos…i love that word.

    3. *sigh…wipes tear away* I couldn’t have asked for a better ending. It is so great to Spashley so happy together forever. Great ending and great story overall! I hope you start a new fic after this.

    4. awwwwwww!!!!! ok, that would be the third time i’ve cried over a fic today. and you know that it’s a true testimate to how good an author is when they make their readers cry. because that means they convey images, through their words, and draw the readers in. this is why reading is better than movies. because you arent actually seeing these things right in front of you…you’re forced to picture them, and when the author puts such images into your brain, even the sounds, its almost like you’re living it. you’re so awesome! i can only hope to be as good of an author as you. kudos. bahahaha. kudos…i love that word.

    5. OMG! There are no words. This story was fantastic! I must say that your writing was excellent. We (writers, that is) are all obviously some very expressive people to be able to put all the feelings in our head on paper. This whole story was certainly a testament to that. Beautiful, that it was. It took me through so many emotions which I just adore in a story. I hate to see that it’s over. Thank you so much for sharing with us. I hope that you decide to write more. It really was great! Much love to you…

    6. OMG! There are no words. This story was fantastic! I must say that your writing was excellent. We (writers, that is) are all obviously some very expressive people to be able to put all the feelings in our head on paper. This whole story was certainly a testament to that. Beautiful, that it was. It took me through so many emotions which I just adore in a story. I hate to see that it’s over. Thank you so much for sharing with us. I hope that you decide to write more. It really was great! Much love to you…

    7. *TEARS*SNIFF*SNIFF* You’ve got me completely ballin’ here…that was absolutely beautiful! Hey, dreams do come true=) Oh, there’s got to be a sequel…especially with the new baby…pretty please?! Awesome job my love!!

    8. *TEARS*SNIFF*SNIFF* You’ve got me completely ballin’ here…that was absolutely beautiful! Hey, dreams do come true=) Oh, there’s got to be a sequel…especially with the new baby…pretty please?! Awesome job my love!!

    9. That was so beauitufl. I cried laughed and smiled thur the whole update. It was so filled with joy and happiness. Your writing is amazeing. You are truely a gifted writer. I loved this story. I think it was your best one yet. I hate to see it end. But you made the ending wonderful. I cant wait to see your write another story. I will be waiting for more. Great great job. Will you think about writing a part 2 this this story.

    10. That was so beauitufl. I cried laughed and smiled thur the whole update. It was so filled with joy and happiness. Your writing is amazeing. You are truely a gifted writer. I loved this story. I think it was your best one yet. I hate to see it end. But you made the ending wonderful. I cant wait to see your write another story. I will be waiting for more. Great great job. Will you think about writing a part 2 this this story.

    11. Alright guys…I’ve had a lot of requests for a sequal to this fic. And I’m thinking about it. If I do it, it’ll be set a little farther in the future and I probably wont be posting it until mid summer or so. Like I said…I loved writing this fic. It’s my best work. And readers love it on both the sites that I post it on. So there will more than likely be a sequal to this. Thanks for all the comments guys!! Love Ya!!

    12. Alright guys…I’ve had a lot of requests for a sequal to this fic. And I’m thinking about it. If I do it, it’ll be set a little farther in the future and I probably wont be posting it until mid summer or so. Like I said…I loved writing this fic. It’s my best work. And readers love it on both the sites that I post it on. So there will more than likely be a sequal to this. Thanks for all the comments guys!! Love Ya!!

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