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    The Ground Beneath Her Feet – (Chapter: All my life)

    I know this smell all too well. I’m not sure if it’s urine, or semen, I don’t particularly care which, but I think it’s one of the two. Either way it’s the smell of one of those covered with cheap disinfectant. I hate it. I can’t begin to tell you how much I loathe that smell, but I have to put up with it almost every single night.


    It’s the scent of the cheap motel. And that’s what my home is right now, and has been, for every night over the last four months. Not just this motel, any old place really. I don’t often stay longer than a few nights. There have been lucky breaks, or sad unlucky ones, where I go home dejected and alone. I find comfort in my father until I’m determined to leave again, set out, finish my quest.


    I will not rest until I find her.


    I have different dreams in these cheap motels to the sanctity of my room at home. Here I dream of finding her, but it’s never good. I find her tombstone, her ashes, her gaunt soulless body. I never find her, just the sliver of what she has left behind.


    I guess that’s because, when I’m in these motels, when I’m on the road, that’s all I really find anyway. Some small trail that she’s left and that I try to follow.


    So that’s why I’m on the outskirts of Pensacola, in some low down dirty motel, trying to see if I can find the bar I’m sure she worked at.


    It’s been a hard, useless and completely unsatisfying day. I flop on my bed after a dinner of salad. Limp salad at that. Being on the road makes it hard to eat right but I can’t stomach grease. My insides twist at the thought of food normally, so I try and find the least fatty thing I can. My father say’s I’m wasting away, he worries that I’m gaunt and unhealthy. I think that I could eat anything and everything and I would still be whittled away while I try to find her. Until I find her, I can’t be whole, so why should I look it?

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    1. First post and I’m hooked already. How do you do that? So many questions I have now. Why is Spencer trying to find Ashley? Does Ashley want to be found? Why did Ashley disappear in the first place? So many questions. I’m very impressed with you writing 3 stories. Does your brain ever get tired? Anyway, PMS (I would settle for an update on any of your stories).

    2. Ok.. Spence is looking for Ash… Why??? And we have a flashback to Ohio where Ashley moves in next door to a 12 year old Spencer, who used to be best friends with Madison… sounds like a good start to me, mate!! Keep it up and I hope you don’t get a headache from authoring (is that a word?) three fics… does that make you the master of fanfiction or the mistress of fanfiction??? Is the female version of master, mistress???? Or am I confused??? Anyway I hereby name you the Mistress of Fanfiction. LOL

    3. I always love the first post of a new story, especially one from you. lol I have to be honest, the first paragraph was depressing me a little, but I’ve come to expect great things from you and I’ve never ever been disappointed.

    4. First post and I’m hooked already. How do you do that? So many questions I have now. Why is Spencer trying to find Ashley? Does Ashley want to be found? Why did Ashley disappear in the first place? So many questions. I’m very impressed with you writing 3 stories. Does your brain ever get tired? Anyway, PMS (I would settle for an update on any of your stories).

    5. Ok.. Spence is looking for Ash… Why??? And we have a flashback to Ohio where Ashley moves in next door to a 12 year old Spencer, who used to be best friends with Madison… sounds like a good start to me, mate!! Keep it up and I hope you don’t get a headache from authoring (is that a word?) three fics… does that make you the master of fanfiction or the mistress of fanfiction??? Is the female version of master, mistress???? Or am I confused??? Anyway I hereby name you the Mistress of Fanfiction. LOL

    6. I always love the first post of a new story, especially one from you. lol I have to be honest, the first paragraph was depressing me a little, but I’ve come to expect great things from you and I’ve never ever been disappointed.

    7. that’s a righteous quest! looks like its going to be difficult, though. so glad you’re writing a new one, we are so not worthy! or at least i’m not. thank you!

    8. that’s a righteous quest! looks like its going to be difficult, though. so glad you’re writing a new one, we are so not worthy! or at least i’m not. thank you!

    9. author of the bloody year i tell you! good all. every time clom…every time you write i’m captivated. AMAZING. but then again, they’re never anything less than. how do you do it?

    10. author of the bloody year i tell you! good all. every time clom…every time you write i’m captivated. AMAZING. but then again, they’re never anything less than. how do you do it?

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