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    The Perfect Start – (Chapter: chapter. 3 Let the jealousy begin.)

    Regardless that she’s a cheerleader and all eyes are basically on them but, she felt a pair of distinctive eyes watching her she looked around and saw Ashley checking her out. 
    This brought a small blush and a smile to her face, 
    but as soon as Spencer had looked up and caught Ashley in the act Ashley had found out that she had been caught red handed. Ashley did everything from looking at Spencer,
     so she wouldn’t see the embarrassed look on her face.  
    The Buzzer rang and the game began. The ball was in USC’s hand and the first shoot was a 3 pointer shot by Ashley. The game was going good and the fans were really into. 
    Ashley had made a good 27 points in the first half and now into the last few seconds she had already made 15 points. There were only 10 seconds seconds on the clock when the coach had called a time out. 
    All the girls ran over to the coach.
    “OK GIRLS the game is tied and now all I want is for Ashley to get the ball at the 3 point line and shoot as soon as you get it, 
    and if that doesn’t work run around the left side and shoot what ever you can ok?”
    “Ya coach, I can do that” Ashley said wiping her sweat. ‘ok do this for Spencer, you need this ash, you need ash’
    She heard Tristan calling her over for a quick second.
    “What’s up”
    “dude do this for her ok” with that said she ran to her position and I ran to mine trying to figure out how she found out.
    The ball came flying to Sky and she ran to the 3 point line and she was blocked by 2 girls. 
    She ducked and ran to the left as she was told and the ball was in her hands and 
    she through it up in the nick of time and the buzzer rung, but the all wasn’t in the hoop yet it was making circles on the rim. 
    The crowd went quite until the buzzer rung again letting them know that the shot was GOOD.
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