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    Soundtrack of Life – (Chapter: Your Guardian Angel)

    Your Guardian Angel

    I’ve been sitting here for a good twenty minutes now, just waiting. Waiting for her to walk through that door and hopefully refraining from running out again. If she did run again though, I’d go after her…no doubt. I’d run after her, spin her around, and kiss her like there was no tomorrow; just to prove to her how much I love her. I’d go down to the bottom of the god damn Atlantic ocean to get that stupid diamond the old lady dropped down there if she asked me to. Anything she asked me to do, I’d do it. No hesitation. I made that mistake once, which led to another mistake (going out with Aiden again), which effectively led me to the biggest mistake (not talking to Spencer for a month). I’ve said it so many times and I doubt that I’ll ever stop saying it…I’m an idiot. Capital I.D.I.O.T. End of story.

    I was starting to lose hope of her coming home anytime soon and I was ready to just call it quits. That was until I heard her coming up the stairs, making her way to the door, turning the knob, walking in…and a look of complete shock spread across her face.


    “Hey Spence…”

    “What the hell are you doing here? How did you even get in?”

    “Chelsea gave me a key.”

    “I’ll kill her.”

    “Spence just calm—”

    “No Ashley! I will not calm down! Oh and by the way you’re not allowed to call me Spence anymore. You gave up that privilege on prom night.”

    She was seething to say the very least. I could see it in her eyes that she was pretty much ready to murder, but I needed to talk to her. I needed her to understand. I needed her.

    “Spencer. Listen. Before you freak out anymore just please listen to what I have to say.”

    “Ashley I can’t do this. I just…I can’t. It hurts too much.”

    “Please Spencer…please don’t do this.”

    “Just leave Ashley.”

    I could feel the tears coming again. Damn it, I can’t break down…not now. She needs to see. I stood up from the bed and with as much resolve I had, I spoke.

    “I can’t do that.”

    She looked me in the eye; I could see all the pain there. She was trying just as hard as I was not to cry.

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    1. I just got caught up on your story. And i must say beautiful. It was very good. I hate to see it end. I was a wonderful ending. I cant wait to read another one of your storys.

    2. Finally Spashley is back together. If only Ashley hadn’t been so stupid in the first place. Great story and great way to end it. I’ll be looking for your next story.

    3. I just got caught up on your story. And i must say beautiful. It was very good. I hate to see it end. I was a wonderful ending. I cant wait to read another one of your storys.

    4. Finally Spashley is back together. If only Ashley hadn’t been so stupid in the first place. Great story and great way to end it. I’ll be looking for your next story.

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