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    Too Lost in You – (Chapter: 12)

    It’s been a week since Ashley was kicked out of her house and she’s still living with my family. Junior year at my high school is almost done, just one more month till summer.


    ‘Hey Spencer. I just got off the phone with one of my friends, he’s asking if we wanna go with him to a club tonight.’


    ‘You know I don’t do parties.’ I said shaking my head and looking around for my cell phone.


    ‘Aww. Come on!’


    ‘No I’m okay….ah ha!’


    I saw Ashley shake a little as I dove for my cellphone which was hidden under a couple pillows.


    ‘Jesus Spencer.’


    ‘Sorry.’ I replied.


    ‘Please come with me to the club! It’ll be fun, I promise.’




    ‘THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!’ Ashley screamed as she jumped on me and gave me a few quick pecks on the cheek and headed into the bathroom.


    ‘What time do we have to head out?’


    ‘In 2 hours.’


    ‘So at eight?’


    ‘Yeah sure. Hey I’m going to take a shower first if you don’t mind.’


    ‘No I don’t mind.’ I said with a small smile on my face.


    ‘All right. I’m gonna head in, would you mind getting me a towel while I’m in there?’


    ‘Yeah sure.’


    ‘Thanks, love.’ Ashley replied as she closed the door and turned on the shower and hopped in.


    I got a couple outfits out of my closet and set it on the bed. I found a clean towel in my drawer and headed to the bathroom. I knocked on the door and waited for a response.


    ‘Come in!’


    ‘You know the curtains are clear soo yeah..’


    ‘Who cares. Just make sure you close the door when you come in.’


    ‘Okay. Coming in!’ I said opening the door and quickly closing it as I was asked to do.


    I slowly turned around and was greeted by a naked Ashley in the shower.


    ‘You can put it over there.’


    ‘…what? Oh.’ I said dropping the towel somewhere else.




    ‘Yeah uh..sure?’ I said not losing any contact from my eyes to her silky wet body.


    ‘Spencer?’ She said poping out her head behind the curtain. ‘Spencer?’


    ‘Yeah?’ I said shaking my head trying to retain my focus.


    ‘Wanna join me?’ She said with a small smile.


    ‘I thought you’d never asked!’ I smiled and stripped off my clothes and jumped into the shower.


    ‘Come here.’ She said pulling me close to her. I gasped as I felt the warm water hit my bare breasts.


    ‘I like taking a shower.’


    ‘Oh really?’ I said as I placed one of my fingers on her nipple and gently guided it down to her abs.


    ‘Yes. I do.’ She said nodding with a big smile.


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