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    Oh, You have no idea – (Chapter: Firsts [Chapter 1])

    I walk into my best friend’s bedroom and I find her crying her eyes out, sitting on the edge of the bed. I drop my purse immediately and rush over to her and I just hold her in my arms. She moves her face from her hands to my shoulder and continues to cry as she puts her arms around my waits and hugs me, she hugs tighter the more she cries, making sure I won’t leave her, and we both know that I won’t leave her. I hug her and try and hold her as close as possible hoping I can take a least a little but of pain away from her and transfer it to me. Of course it doesn’t work so I decide speaking a little bit might help her.
    ”It’ll be okay, it’ll be okay” Ok so sure I don’t know what happened but it’ll probably be ok, well I hope so I can’t stand to see her crying, if I find out who did this to her I swear I’m going to hurt them. I just keep holding her for what seemed like hours now, I check the clock on her nightstand and assume it’s only been 20 minutes, not counting the 5 minutes it took me to get here.

    She finally stops crying and I decide now would be a better time than ever to ask her what’s going on.

    “So, mind telling me who or what made you start crying?” I ask quite timidly, she looks up at me, and in her I eyes I can see something that I must say I’ve never seen before, it’s like anger, and sadness, but I can like see lust and want. Next thing I know she’s leaning in towards me and for some strange reason I lean in towards her too and our lips meet in the middle somewhere.

    We were kissing, actually kissing, and I have to admit I was liking it, and then she grazes my upper lip with her tongue asking permission to enter and of course I let it in. She pulls on my top as she goes to lay down on her bed.

    We both just lay there still kissing, except for the occasional need of oxygen, and this is one of the couple of times that I’m actually happy I moved here. I decide as much as I’m enjoying this I break the kiss because there is still the need of talking to see what happened. I leave her lips and I miss them immediately but stop myself from leaning into them once again. I can see my friend still have her eyes closed and her lips waiting for my lips to reconnect with hers so I decide to let her know our first kiss is officially over.

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