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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Monday [Chapter 1])


    I walk to my favorite class of the day, English. Not because I like English, I mean don’t get me wrong, I speak the language and I love speaking it but that’s not the reason I love going to English class, I love to go because of one of my specific classmates, the person that sits right in front of me, Ashley Davies.

    Yes, that’s right, the most beautiful brunette in the class, actually the whole school, I mean she’s just gorgeous. All the girls want to be her and all the guys wan to date her, she is just like the goddess of the school. So I sit behind her, and well, we aren’t exactly friends, more like acquaintances and not even by choice. It was this stupid report but anyway, I usually play with her hair during class, she doesn’t mind though, I think she barely even notices most of the time.

    So, it’s been like this everyday since the school year started, Ashley gets there way before me, and she makes sure no one takes the seat behind her and well that my seat. People think we’re friends and all but no, not really, not at all actually, as I already said.

    But today seemed different, when I woke up this morning it was just like today, today was going to be the beginning of something, but I just don’t know what that something is. I am walking to class and I see Ashley waiting outside the door, looking around trying to find someone. First time I’ve seen Ashley like that, like she’s real desperate to find what she’s looking for. I head towards the class hoping she doesn’t see me and that she finds what she’s looking for. But I of course can’t fight the urge of just catching a glance of her before I get into the classroom. I look up and our eyes lock before I turn away as quick as I can, hoping she didn’t notice.

    I walk past her and head into the classroom except someone grabs my arm and pulls me right back out of the classroom. I look at the hand that’s grabbing my arm and I am about to pull away when I see the hand belongs to Ashley Davies. I look at her and she looks at me and smiles, and then she shows me her other hand and she has a note in it and she motions me to grab it. I take it and she leans in close to me and whispers.

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