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    Symptoms of Love – (Chapter: 7)

    The next day had already been a handful for Spencer. From her mother’s rants about staying over too late with Ashley to her new found status with Ashley as dating or girlfriend or whatever, Spencer had to admit she was still somewhat overwhelmed. With her ex-girlfriend, Tracy, still calling and the thought of Chelsea, her mind just didn’t know what it truly wanted to do.


    “Spencer…..hey you…” Chelsea walked up to her and nudged her from behind playfully clutching her books close to her body.


    Spencer couldn’t help but smile. Chelsea was so sweet and delicate, yet passionate and real. So different than Ashley. Although, she knew that she like Ashley better, she could not ignore the spark that Chelsea was making in her.


    “Spencer, you have an adorable smile,” Chelsea complemented.


    Spencer blushed trying not to react to Chelsea’s surprising flirting. “So Chelsea would you like to come to dinner at my house tonight? My dad is a great cook. Maybe we can talk a little more.”


    “Umm… sure”, Chelsea smiled looking at the ground. She was enjoying the butterflies she felt, “Is this a date?”


    “Do you want it to be?” Spencer flirted. Oh my god! I am turning into such a player here in LA.


    “I don’t know…yeah kind of..,” Chelsea responded kissing Spencer’s cheek and running ahead to class.

    Spencer stood in the hallway. What was she doing? Why was she feeling this? This yearning for Chelsea. She quickly brushed it off and hurried to her next class. Damn, it’s Art.


    Walking into class, Chelsea had saved a seat for her in the desk next to her. Spencer sat quietly trying her best not to look at Chelsea. Her eyes however had another idea in mind. She scanned Chelsea’s long legs as they disappeared up into her skirt. Her legs were toned, a light brown, and the smoothest she had seen in a while. She could feel her center flood with wetness as she caught a glimpse of her breasts as Chelsea leaned over to whisper to her.

    “What should I wear tonight?” Chelsea whispered knowing that Spencer had been checking her out.


    Spencer’s breathing was beginning to slightly change. She could hardly help herself, “Follow me and I’ll show you.”

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    1. spencers a slut and i dont like it. i dont like this two timing nonsense…its pure poppycock. ashley’s going to be crushed when she finds out. CRUSHED. and i’ll kill spencer for doing it too. god damn spencer. could you be more selfish!? fuck.

    2. WTF?? What Spencer is doing is just wrong. Chelsea and Ashley in the same day, so very wrong. Poor Ashley is putting her heart on the line with Spencer and Spencer is still playing the field. PMS!

    3. I love this story, but I don’t like this Spencer. I mean, I like that she isn’t the innocent, small town girl, but she is pissin me off right now. How is she pullin this shit, when she got all mad when she found out about Ash’s 3 girls and two days. I mean, hey, if she wants to be a lil slut that’s fine, but she’s leading TWO girls on, and playing with there heads, when she made it a point to Ash that she better not be like that with her- and she’s doing the same thing, well she’s actually worse becuz Im sure when Ash has her 1 nite stands, the other chick knows that’s all it is. She is playing with Ash’s emotions and I do not like that. Im not worried about Chelsea, becuz its pretty much new lust on her part. Spencer is especially wrong for having sex with both of them on the same day *shakes head*. I was so disappointed. And Chelsea is just stupid for that one. Letting Spencer fuck you on the 2nd day knowing her, in a dirty bathroom at school, and its ur 1st time with a girl-Really Chelsea?? Not very smart, or classy. Spencer presented herself in a certain way and now she’s just this completely different bitch. At this point I really hope both Ash and Chelsea find out the business, and Ashley be like “Im not fuckin with you”, then Spencer has to earn her trust again. Update again soon.

    4. spencers a slut and i dont like it. i dont like this two timing nonsense…its pure poppycock. ashley’s going to be crushed when she finds out. CRUSHED. and i’ll kill spencer for doing it too. god damn spencer. could you be more selfish!? fuck.

    5. WTF?? What Spencer is doing is just wrong. Chelsea and Ashley in the same day, so very wrong. Poor Ashley is putting her heart on the line with Spencer and Spencer is still playing the field. PMS!

    6. I love this story, but I don’t like this Spencer. I mean, I like that she isn’t the innocent, small town girl, but she is pissin me off right now. How is she pullin this shit, when she got all mad when she found out about Ash’s 3 girls and two days. I mean, hey, if she wants to be a lil slut that’s fine, but she’s leading TWO girls on, and playing with there heads, when she made it a point to Ash that she better not be like that with her- and she’s doing the same thing, well she’s actually worse becuz Im sure when Ash has her 1 nite stands, the other chick knows that’s all it is. She is playing with Ash’s emotions and I do not like that. Im not worried about Chelsea, becuz its pretty much new lust on her part. Spencer is especially wrong for having sex with both of them on the same day *shakes head*. I was so disappointed. And Chelsea is just stupid for that one. Letting Spencer fuck you on the 2nd day knowing her, in a dirty bathroom at school, and its ur 1st time with a girl-Really Chelsea?? Not very smart, or classy. Spencer presented herself in a certain way and now she’s just this completely different bitch. At this point I really hope both Ash and Chelsea find out the business, and Ashley be like “Im not fuckin with you”, then Spencer has to earn her trust again. Update again soon.

    7. What the hell is she doing? As if you do two girls in one day and the day after you promise to one of their girlfriends! It’s nice to see Spencer doing some of the chasing but it would be nicer if she were only doing it with Ashley! Great story. PMS

    8. What the hell is she doing? As if you do two girls in one day and the day after you promise to one of their girlfriends! It’s nice to see Spencer doing some of the chasing but it would be nicer if she were only doing it with Ashley! Great story. PMS

    9. well i don’t care what you say! i’m mad at you!!!! why did you make spencer an evil little wench??? i can’t handle it…and ashley is too cute. get chelsea out of there now! make her fall in love with clay and decide that it was all a mistake and make spencer nice again! please??? can’t wait to read more!

    10. well i don’t care what you say! i’m mad at you!!!! why did you make spencer an evil little wench??? i can’t handle it…and ashley is too cute. get chelsea out of there now! make her fall in love with clay and decide that it was all a mistake and make spencer nice again! please??? can’t wait to read more!

    11. Of course its getting fucking complicated. What the hell?!?!?!?! Here she has Ashley, ASHLEY one of the most beautiful women in South of Nowhere land and yet she’s fucking Chelsea??? No offense to her its just, oh hell. There are no words to describe how royally pissed off I am because Ashley put herself out there, heart and all and look what Spencer is doing! Oh the shit is going to hit the fan when/if she finds out. On another note, I like the way your writing this although you might be giving me an ulcer. ;) Spencer is so different in this and Ashley is too, its kind of like a role reversal in a way. But good job, keep it up cause I wanna find out more MORE pleweeese??

    12. Of course its getting fucking complicated. What the hell?!?!?!?! Here she has Ashley, ASHLEY one of the most beautiful women in South of Nowhere land and yet she’s fucking Chelsea??? No offense to her its just, oh hell. There are no words to describe how royally pissed off I am because Ashley put herself out there, heart and all and look what Spencer is doing! Oh the shit is going to hit the fan when/if she finds out. On another note, I like the way your writing this although you might be giving me an ulcer. ;) Spencer is so different in this and Ashley is too, its kind of like a role reversal in a way. But good job, keep it up cause I wanna find out more MORE pleweeese??

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