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    Time Doesn’t Exist. Clocks Exist. – (Chapter: Ch.12: Spencer, Meet Goodbye)

    A rebellious sliver of light snuck through the center of the window where the burgundy curtains didn’t quite meet and interrupted the darkness of the room. Spencer wasn’t pleased to find that that line of blinding light also happened to fall right over her eyes, a painful occurrence to wake up to. Letting out a groan and quickly moving her head a few inches to the left into a more shaded region, she quickly became aware that she wasn’t the only one awake in the room. She glanced at the clock next to the bed: 7:13 am.

    Flipping herself over onto her back and scooting herself up into a sitting position, she blinked a few times and let her eyes get used to the light, or rather lack thereof. On the other side of the room she could make out a figure reaching into a bureau, removing an item and placing it into a suitcase on the floor, repeating this motion until he closed one drawer and moved onto the next.

    “Hey…” Spencer’s voice, still laced with sleep and guilt, broke the silence of the room and scared the living daylights out of Patrick.

    “Shit!” He jumped up from his crouching position only to move so quickly he smacked the his forehead on the corner of the dresser. “Fuck!”

    The blonde threw the covers off of her body and instinctually ran over to Patrick. He didn’t curse often, so when he did she knew something was seriously wrong.

    His large hands, one covering the other were pressed on the injured spot. Walking himself backwards to the edge of the bed, he practically bounced as he plopped down.

    Spencer raced to him, sitting herself down next to his pained figure. She lifted her arms up to Patrick’s head and attempted to try to pull his fingers away so she could see the damage.

    “Here, let me see.”

    “No, I’m fine.” He pursed his lips as he managed to get a refusal out.

    “Patrick, you might need stitches, just open your hands.”

    “Spencer, no. Now stop.” The blonde had never heard him this determined before.

    “Look, stop being so stubborn, okay? Just let me see!”

    “No, damnit!” Patrick flung himself up from the bed, leaving an physically unsteady and utterly flabbergasted Spencer behind. “You can’t do this anymore! You can’t try to help me. You can’t give me any advice. You can’t tell me which tie looks best or what to make for dinner and you sure as hell can’t look at my head. Do you know why?”

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    1. awwww. poor patrick. come here boy, i’ll take care of you! hehehe. yayyy now all we need to do is get rid of aiden…which probably wont be easy…grr. but once again, my mind takes me back to the very first chapter, the prologue right? right well yeah, i’m going back there and my brains tellin me that spencers gonna lose ashley or something..and thats making me really really sad :-(. waaaah. lets just have it be a very spashley ending shall we? sounds goood! :-D! excellent update. most definitely.

    2. allow me to rephrase…it wasnt meant to be a very spashley was supposed to be a spashley ever after ending haha. but thats what i get for trying to post comments while i’m also working. blah. i wish i could just post reviews on peoples stories for a living. that’d be effing sweet.

    3. Great update…and so soon. So I feel bad for Patrick but I think it’s for the best. Now he can spend some time getting over her. My main concern now is how is Ashley going to react? Will she feel too pressured to make a choice between Spencer and Aiden? Will she freak out because of it? I just really wonder what Ashley’s reaction will be. I guess it depends on how much she really loves Aiden. Anyway, I can’t wait until your next update.

    4. Holy Cow. Poor Patty. I feel sorry for him. But things sure have cleared up for Spashley. Which is a brutal thing to say, but honest. Loving it. PMS please. :]

    5. awwww. poor patrick. come here boy, i’ll take care of you! hehehe. yayyy now all we need to do is get rid of aiden…which probably wont be easy…grr. but once again, my mind takes me back to the very first chapter, the prologue right? right well yeah, i’m going back there and my brains tellin me that spencers gonna lose ashley or something..and thats making me really really sad :-(. waaaah. lets just have it be a very spashley ending shall we? sounds goood! :-D! excellent update. most definitely.

    6. allow me to rephrase…it wasnt meant to be a very spashley was supposed to be a spashley ever after ending haha. but thats what i get for trying to post comments while i’m also working. blah. i wish i could just post reviews on peoples stories for a living. that’d be effing sweet.

    7. Great update…and so soon. So I feel bad for Patrick but I think it’s for the best. Now he can spend some time getting over her. My main concern now is how is Ashley going to react? Will she feel too pressured to make a choice between Spencer and Aiden? Will she freak out because of it? I just really wonder what Ashley’s reaction will be. I guess it depends on how much she really loves Aiden. Anyway, I can’t wait until your next update.

    8. Holy Cow. Poor Patty. I feel sorry for him. But things sure have cleared up for Spashley. Which is a brutal thing to say, but honest. Loving it. PMS please. :]

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