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    The Best Of Both Worlds – (Chapter: 1)

    “Ash…why are we in West Hollywood?” Spencer clenched her seatbelt a little tighter.


    “You’ll see.” Ashley kept her eyes forward.


    Suddenly a voice came onto the radio, “Good evening listeners, this is Alice Pieskecki here on The Chart. Tonight we have a new name on the chart. She’s actually running in third behind Shane McCutcheon and Papi. Her name is Ashley Davies and so far she’s running up there with over 800 names.”


    Spencer’s eyes were transfixed on the radio, “Ashley, why is your name on the radio??”


    Ashley pointed to the radio, “Um…that’s The Chart.”


    “Which is…?”


    “It’s this thing that this chick came up with. Somebody gets on the chart, puts their name in, and puts the names of the people they’ve had sex with.”


    “And YOU’VE had over 800?!” Spencer turned in her seat to face Ashley a little more.


    Ashley raised her eyebrows, trying to seem just a little innocent, “Maybe.”


    “Maybe?? What the hell is ‘maybe’ supposed to mean?”


    Ashley finally looked at Spencer, “It means that I was a whole hella lot of drunk and I don’t remember!”


    “Whatever Ash.” Spencer turned back around in her seat and looked out her window.


    Ashley reached over and put her hand on Spencer’s thigh, “Spence, please…that was way before I knew you.”


    Spencer tried to pull her leg away, thinking about where Ashley’s hands have been. She felt disgusting for some reason. Even though she knew that Ashley loved her she still couldn’t get that number out of her head. Ashley was a player. And she had enough notches in her headboard to make the headboard look like a botch shop class experiment.


    “Where are we going Ashley?”


    “We’re almost there Spence.” Ashley didn’t dare look at Spencer.


    “WHERE are we GOING?!”


    “This place that I heard Alice Pieskecki’s friends hang out. Some café called The Planet.”


    “Why aren’t you just going straight to the radio station?”


    “Because she’d probably ask me for an interview and I don’t want to do one.”


    “So you’re going to confront her friends instead?” Spencer finally looked back over to Ashley.



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    1. hey i thought this fic was fuckin great ! LOL i LOVE the Lword and SON. Combined makes it even greater!!! keep writing it PLZ.. i was wondering when it would happen and who would write it hehe

    2. hey i thought this fic was fuckin great ! LOL i LOVE the Lword and SON. Combined makes it even greater!!! keep writing it PLZ.. i was wondering when it would happen and who would write it hehe

    3. I am with dnice and Bvj143… My two favorite shows combined into one… is AWESOME!! You gotta post more soon… REALLY REALLY REALLY SOON!! LOVING IT!!!!

    4. I am with dnice and Bvj143… My two favorite shows combined into one… is AWESOME!! You gotta post more soon… REALLY REALLY REALLY SOON!! LOVING IT!!!!

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