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    Le Marais – (Chapter: I’m nothing without you)

    Ashley knocked on Gray’s door. She wanted to be back at the hospital, holding Spencer. No, she wanted to be home holding an awake, sated and happy Spencer. The same one she’d held the night before. That’s what she actually wanted but she couldn’t have it and it hurt. Oh god how it hurt.


    Gray opened the door and gave her a wan smile. She took two steps inside and then had to brace herself and Elly barreled into her, nearly knocking them over. The little girl was holding her so tight Ashley found it hard to breathe. For a second she hugged her back just as tightly and then she gently unwound Elly’s arms. Looking down into a tear-stained face she then looked up at Gray with confusion,


    “I had to tell her,” he said somberly. “She was out of her mind with worry and she has a worse imagination that the truth could possibly have been.”


    Ashley nodded and leaned down. She picked up Elly, who despite being a slender little thing was still eight and not light. Carrying the girl over to the couch she sat down and cuddled her close, feeling sobs wracking the little body.


    There were soft murmurs, mostly ‘shh’, coming out of Ashley’s mouth. She knew Elly couldn’t hear but the vibrations against the girl’s hair were soothing and anyway, they helped Ashley.


    “She’s been asking for you non-stop,” Gray said. “Since I told her, she just wanted you.” He looked sad.




    “No it makes sense, she lives with you. I just wish I could have helped her.” He replied.


    “I don’t think I can do much,” Ashley said, holding Elly close. “I kind of know how she feels.”




    Ashley wondered if Gray still loved Spencer like she thought he did. She’d mentioned it to her girlfriend who had, as usual, scoffed, but Ashley still suspected. In Gray’s defense, he’d never been anything but the perfect accepting gentleman. And he’d never made a move. But he must be hurting now too.


    “What did you tell Alex?” Ashley asked quietly.


    “That his mom was a bit sick and had to stay at the hospital for awhile. He seemed ok. I don’t think he really understood.”

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    1. hahaha food network. love that! thank you for making laugh tally. oh my. anytime i see food network i smile, ANYWHO. so yes, i got QUITE the chuckle out of your authors note. that was too funny. oh my. again, another wonderful update. :-( poor elly. and might i add…dramaaaa in annecy! haha sorry, i was thinking about laguna beach but i couldnt say the oc cause well…it’s not lol. love multiple updates in one night. makes me :-D!

    2. i love this story. And it is not confusing at all. Reads like a true mystery novel….what exactly are we trying to understand or accomplish through her coma-induced fantasy world? I’m intrigued to dsicover this latent content! Keep it up!

    3. hahaha food network. love that! thank you for making laugh tally. oh my. anytime i see food network i smile, ANYWHO. so yes, i got QUITE the chuckle out of your authors note. that was too funny. oh my. again, another wonderful update. :-( poor elly. and might i add…dramaaaa in annecy! haha sorry, i was thinking about laguna beach but i couldnt say the oc cause well…it’s not lol. love multiple updates in one night. makes me :-D!

    4. i love this story. And it is not confusing at all. Reads like a true mystery novel….what exactly are we trying to understand or accomplish through her coma-induced fantasy world? I’m intrigued to dsicover this latent content! Keep it up!

    5. i think this is great! i am so totally hooked. I love the story within the story. only an author like u could pull it off…. and jean luc…the only thing i think of is jean luc picard from star trek, next generation HAHA LOL… please update soon sez :D

    6. i think this is great! i am so totally hooked. I love the story within the story. only an author like u could pull it off…. and jean luc…the only thing i think of is jean luc picard from star trek, next generation HAHA LOL… please update soon sez :D

    7. Great chapter, aww poor Elly, I’m glad Ashley is taking the kids home, and it was super sweet for her to remind Gray that he’s part of their family. The Spencer dream/coma story, it’s really interesting! Update soon!

    8. Great chapter, aww poor Elly, I’m glad Ashley is taking the kids home, and it was super sweet for her to remind Gray that he’s part of their family. The Spencer dream/coma story, it’s really interesting! Update soon!

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