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    The Ground Beneath Her Feet – (Chapter: Her Golden voice)

    I found her today, you’ll be glad to hear. Well, no, not here. Trust me, if I’d actually found HER I’d be speechless with joy. No, I found where she was six months ago. I am just six months behind her now. But I found her trail.


    It was pretty much a dive of a bar. I figured it would be. My feet stuck to the floor when I walked in and you could smell the beer in the upholstery. I suppose I should have been glad that there was any upholstery and that I wasn’t walking across peanut shells. Someone had tried to sweep up the mess in the last few hours. I’m surprised they weren’t still there, stuck to the floor.


    There was a blonde at the bar. Not a blonde like me but you know, a blonde. The busty ones that can’t possibly be real. I’m talking about the bust and the blonde of course, both every fake. She was shining glasses though I don’t know why.


    I did my usual fake P.I. move of flashing a photo of Ashley at her. It’s the last one I had of her, and it’s still two years old. She was at least smiling, almost a rarity in those days. I’ve cropped myself out of it and enlarged her, using photoshop, so it’s just her. I’d like to say I carry it around just to flash at plasticine bar maids but you know different.


    There was a squint in her surgically altered face before the bar maid nodded. She knew her. Ashley had worked there for a month around six months ago. Then she’d moved on. No she didn’t know where but she did know where my girl had lived. I thanked her and moved on.


    Where she lived wasn’t much better than where she worked. Taking one look at her landlord I had to swallow bile. This is all sounding very stereotyped and movie like isn’t it. Oh well, it’s true. She worked in a dive, she lived in a dive, her landlord should be taken for a dive and left to sink.


    At least he pointed me in the right direction: West.


    The lights on the highway are fading as I drive. My car has kept me going so many times that I thought it would give out. I have come to love it’s faded vinyl inside and it’s fake pine smell. The pine smell is thanks to Glen, who put one of those stupid tree shaped things in just before I left last time. It was him not being an ass, it was his way of saying he cared. He knew I’d be on the road more often than I wasn’t and that I hated bad smells.

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    1. Well I sure hope she does, Spencer’s depressing the hell out of me. Not necessarily a terrible thing because it’s supposed to, right? So excellent job once again :)

    2. :-( my poor poor spencer. how i love you. and how i so wish you could just find her again. one day, one day soon you will…but for now do as they say, hold your head up high, and keep on truckin! i love you spencer carlin

    3. What the heck did Spencer do to Ashley? I’m so curious about when their friendship took a turn into the ‘more than friends’ territory. Fantastic story, fantastic update. I would tell you to PMS but I know you will because you’re the best.

    4. Well I sure hope she does, Spencer’s depressing the hell out of me. Not necessarily a terrible thing because it’s supposed to, right? So excellent job once again :)

    5. :-( my poor poor spencer. how i love you. and how i so wish you could just find her again. one day, one day soon you will…but for now do as they say, hold your head up high, and keep on truckin! i love you spencer carlin

    6. What the heck did Spencer do to Ashley? I’m so curious about when their friendship took a turn into the ‘more than friends’ territory. Fantastic story, fantastic update. I would tell you to PMS but I know you will because you’re the best.

    7. Great chapter, sounds like something between Ash and Spence must have gone horribley wrong and i can’t wait to find out what it is! Update soon!

    8. Great chapter, sounds like something between Ash and Spence must have gone horribley wrong and i can’t wait to find out what it is! Update soon!

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