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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: Rigoletto)

    Spencer lay under the covers of her bed and listened to the creak of the crickets as they played outside her windows. She’d gone to bed early, ignoring the questions of her mother, her brother and even this time, her step-father. There must have been something written on her face, something different than her usual countenance, because they looked confused, disturbed.


    And she’d ignored them all, finding sanctuary in her room; under her blankets. It was a childish place to hide but the she felt childish anyway. There was no other way she could interpret her actions. She’d blatantly led Ashley on, given her every indication that she wanted to play in the most adult way possible. Then when that had been about to happen, she’d turned and fled; afraid.


    Afraid of what though? Not of Ashley. Funnily enough, Spencer knew enough to know that whatever happened, Ashley would be gentle and understanding, especially if Spencer asked her to be. What was she afraid of?


    Actually, she had nothing to be afraid of. She was just… nervous. Of her own response, of her own needs and wants. She’d been so ready to give herself to Ashley, to take that step. It wasn’t like she was a virgin, she’d had sex before so why was it different with Ashley?


    ‘Because you feel something for Ashley and you’ve never felt something before…’


    Well that was true.


    ‘Because you want her to feel it back,’


    She knew Ashley wanted her, it was so obvious it stuck out like a sore thumb. So why wasn’t she up there, in the mountains, letting Ashley show her exactly what love could feel like.


    Actually, that was a damn good question… why wasn’t she?


    Ok, she was still nervous, as hell. But she’d been nervous before. She’d been nervous on her first day of medical school, the first time she’d had to see a dead person, the first time she’d performed an operation by herself. But each time she’d steeled her nerves and had let it benefit her.


    Maybe this wasn’t so much nerves as… excitement. She could think of it like that couldn’t she.


    So now what?

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    1. “Do you think we could do some things I do want to?” the blonde asked Ashley nodded, her mouth dry.As did all of your readers ;)And my dear you certainly didn’t disappoint! So what was that damn rumbling???? And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let our girls finish this up later ;)

    2. “Do you think we could do some things I do want to?” the blonde asked Ashley nodded, her mouth dry.As did all of your readers ;)And my dear you certainly didn’t disappoint! So what was that damn rumbling???? And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let our girls finish this up later ;)

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