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    Smoking Mirrors – (Chapter: It’s So Over)

    She woke up that morning with a pounding headache. The second her eyes fluttered open, she regretted it. She didn’t remember how she got home until she realized that there was someone else in the bed next to her.

    Ugh. Fuckin’ tequila.

    She looked at the person lying naked across her bed and realized that, like so many other drunken nights, she had made the mistake of bringing Janine back home with her. Not that Janine wasn’t great or anything, it’s just that she was entirely too into Ashley.

    Ashley was never one to be in a relationship for too long. Hell, breakfast the next morning was too much of a commitment for Ashley. Unfortunately though, Janine also happened to be the fuck of the century, and whenever Ash was drunk, against her better judgement, she would eventually make her way back to the tall brunette. And why not? She was beautiful, a talented artist, great conversationalist, and smart. In fact, Ashley often wondered why she couldn’t feel anything more for Janine, other than the appreciation for the incredible onslaught of flashbacks she’d suddenly live through the day after having spent a night with her. She simply didn’t want anything more than a casual sexcapade.

    She glanced over at the alarm clock and leapt out of bed when she read: 8:53 am.


    Janine stirred in the bed, "What’s going on?"

    Remembering the last few seconds of the dream she had just been yanked out of, "Dammit! Angelina was just about to go down on me, Ash! You suck," she wined.

    "I’m late Janine. I don’t have time for this," she said, annoyed.

    Janine sat up in the bed, "Well, why didn’t you think about that last night when you called me and practically begged me to come over? You knew what you were asking for."

    Ashley continued to race through her apartment, ignoring the irritation in Janine’s voice as she continued, "You know what Ashley?"

    She threw a pillow at her in order to assure that eye contact would be made and more importantly, sustained.

    "Fuck. You. I’m sick of you taking advantage of the fact that there’s someone on this fucking planet who cares for you. Even more regretful is that I don’t even know why that person is me."

    Ashley noted the tears beginning to well up in her eyes and she began to feel horrible. The truth is, Janine was right. Ashley knew that she was a wonderful person who would one day make someone else VERY happy. Unfortunately or fortunately for her, Ashley was not that person. Ashley was an emotional cripple and didn’t know the first thing about being vulnerable or trust. She figured one day it would happen, today just wasn’t that day.

    "Janine, I’m really sorry … " she said pleadingly.

    Janine shook her head and lost the battle to keep her tears from overflowing. She knew it wasn’t going to change and as much as she hated to admit it, it broke her heart.

    Through gritted teeth, "Just, please … lose my number. I can’t do this anymore. No more drunk phone calls, no more sex. Whatever existed between us, is over."

    She looked at Ashley who had begun to nod, apparently shocked that Janine would be so forthright about her overall displeasure with Ashley’s behavior.

    I guess I crossed the line this time.

    She stood there speechless as she watched Janine’s figure grow smaller and then eventually slam the door behind her. She sighed and then realized for the second time that morning that she was VERY late for a VERY important meeting with El Capitan.


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