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    Smoking Mirrors – (Chapter: First Encounters)

    She ran through the doors of the huge building and let out a long sigh as she glanced at her watch.

    2 minutes and 36 seconds to go!

    She expertly snaked her coat off and threw it on her desk as she made her way straight through to the conference room. She blew right in and sat down next to Aiden. He smirked at her arrival remembering the drunken message he had received from her the night before.

    "Hey Aid!" she was slurring, "I’m ju, I’m jusT calling because I need your wisssdom. I’m verrry drunk, hiccup, and I needed you to remind, hic, me why it’sssNOT a good idea to call Janine. But, you’re not home, soooooo, hic, I guess it’s fate. I’llssssee you tomorrow. Bye."

    She hiccuped one last time before hanging up abruptly. Aiden was busy the night before. With some girl who’s name he, no doubt, had already forgotten about and as such was no where to be found.

    Ashley, noticing the smirk, elbowed him in the rib cage as she sat down.

    I must’ve called him last night! Christ, why can’t I just learn to keep it in my pants! I’m worse than him!

    She buried her head in her hands as Aiden chuckled to himself, placing a hand on her shoulder, God, she’s worse than me!

    Captain Vanessa Reyes was gorgeous. She had creamy, white, skin and wavy, dirty blonde locks that were often pulled back. Her blue/green eyes had specks of gold in them, depending on what she was wearing. She had the figure of a ballerina, with wide set shoulders and an elegant neck. Perhaps the most shocking part about her, aside from her overall masculine approach to life, was the ridge that protruded right below her tiny waist. If ever there were a woman made of an actual hourglass, Captain Reyes was most definitely the one.

    Needless to say, everyone in the room paid close attention as she made her way over to the front of the conference room. She had one of her minions set up 2 charts detailing all the information she had on one crime family, Duarte.

    Captain Reyes was mean, tough, and had succeeded in being the only woman to ever make Ashley feel used in the bedroom. After they had just finished having mind blowing sex, El Capitan was quick to send Ashley on her way. She had served her purpose and was subsequently dismissed. Not that it bothered Ashley that she had been so brusque, but at least cuddle for 15 minutes, jeez!

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    1. RED ALERT! RED ALERT! ASHLEY IS ABOUT TO FALL OVER THE CLIFF OF SPENCER. I REPEAT. ASHLEY IS ABOUT TO FALL OVER THE CLIFF OF SPENCER! THIS IS NOT A DRILL! lil davies gonna fall in love in the jungle…ohh its gonna be hot alright..and not cause they’ll be closer to the equator. OW OW! loves it

    2. Ooooh, I like! A lot, actually. And the prospect of some Spashley-jungle-lovin’ in the caribbean –> HOT! :P Gee hee, Aiden is the retard who can only blow shit up.

    3. RED ALERT! RED ALERT! ASHLEY IS ABOUT TO FALL OVER THE CLIFF OF SPENCER. I REPEAT. ASHLEY IS ABOUT TO FALL OVER THE CLIFF OF SPENCER! THIS IS NOT A DRILL! lil davies gonna fall in love in the jungle…ohh its gonna be hot alright..and not cause they’ll be closer to the equator. OW OW! loves it

    4. Ooooh, I like! A lot, actually. And the prospect of some Spashley-jungle-lovin’ in the caribbean –> HOT! :P Gee hee, Aiden is the retard who can only blow shit up.

    5. ha that red alert comment is funny… i got nervous and hid under my desk! lame. ANYway this is excellent. so many possibilities for those girls in puerto rico, hope they take advantage of it.

    6. ha that red alert comment is funny… i got nervous and hid under my desk! lame. ANYway this is excellent. so many possibilities for those girls in puerto rico, hope they take advantage of it.

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