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    I'll Pull You Through – (Chapter: 4)

    Ashley felt like time was standing still and the wait seemed to be endless. She stood stock still, watching the door and trying to block out the images of Spencer in the alley, covered in blood and tears, that were flitting through her mind.


    Feeling the bile rise in the back of her throat the brunette took deep breaths, willing the contents of her stomach to stay down.


    The Carlins shuffled and fidgeted in their anxious state, gazes flicking around the room and attempts at gaining strength from each other and Ashley stood eerily still, continuing to wait.


    “Mr and Mrs Carlin?”


    Two officers emerged from the double doors. The elder male loomed above his female counterpart, his face tight and serious and his dark hair flecked with grey around his temple.


    The women had large brown eyes that gave her face a youthful gentle look and her hair was pulled into a loose bun, that was fraying a bit after her long day on duty. She surveyed the group, making note of Ashley’s blood stained clothes before continuing.


    “Our CSI’s have finished with Spencer, you can see her now. Miss Davies I presume?”


    She addressed Ashley who had started making her way towards the door.


    “You were the one that found Miss Carlin right? We need to collect your statement and we will need to take your clothes, don’t worry it won’t take long then you can go ahead and see her”


    The officer added when she noticed he brunette look with wide eyes at the Carlins.


    “We can collect your clothes at the station or at your home, we can escort you there as you will need something to change into…”


    “No.” Ashley interrupted. Her soft voice firm. “I’m not leaving her.”


    “You’ll need a new set of clothes, I know this is not ideal but..”


    “I’m not leaving.” The teen growled, eyes flashing dangerously.


    “I’ve got some clothes in my gym bag!” Glen piped up, presenting the bag to the officers and Ashley. “I was on my way to the gym when dad called, will they do? They’re clean I promise!”


    He flashed a small smile in Ashley’s direction and she gave the blonde boy a fleeting, grateful smile in return.

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