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    Thoughts Of Aiden

    "Get out!"

    Ashley and Spencer stepped aside as one, avoiding the flying coffee cups coming out of the office Aiden and Glen shared. The dishware was followed quickly by Aiden, the dark-haired officer hastily closing the door behind him.

    "Aww, trouble in paradise?"

    Aiden’s eyes lit up as soon as he noticed Ashley, and he quickly propelled her away from the office. "Perfect timing, oh wonderful and beautiful lady."

    Ashley’s eyes narrowed suspiciously, but she followed Aiden without complaint. Her day had been fairly boring so far, and she was more likely to find out about the latest argument from Aiden than Glen if the latter was in a tiff.

    The break room was empty when Aiden maneuvered the two of them inside, shutting the door behind them. Ashley poured herself a cup of coffee and took a seat, a smile playing across her face as she waited for Aiden to speak.

    "I need your help," Aiden started, grinning like his charm could affect her mood.

    "No shit, Sherlock. You’re not nice unless you want something."

    His smile didn’t fade as he knelt next to her. "Of course I’m nice. Why wouldn’t I be nice to such a charming and attractive woman?"

    This was just pathetic. Ashley rolled her eyes, shoving Aiden back with the toe of her heels. "I’m gay Aiden, how the hell it’s going to work on me? Plus I’m with Spencer and as far as I’m concern, me and her are really good. So just get on with it, Dennison."

    Aiden’s smile fell a bit and he picked himself up to sit at the break room table. "Glen thinks I’m insensitive."

    "You are." Ashley reply emotionlessly, she didn’t help Aiden think of a way to make his boyfriend forgive him but instead, she rubbed the truth on his face.

    The stricken look on Aiden’s face was more than worth the harsh retort.

    "You have to help me," Aiden pleaded. "He’s been mad at me for days."

    Glen really must have been upset to stay pissed at Aiden for days. That or Aiden was over-exaggerating. "What’d you do?"

    "All I did was saying a few things about wanting to have sex and he flipped out on me. We’ve been dating for 6 months and we haven’t have sex yet!"

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    1. that was definitely different than most of the stuff on this site. I’m all for it, since I hang out a lot w/gay men as well as lesbians, and I watch a lot of gay male porn. Not sure how others on this site will respond though…

    2. that was definitely different than most of the stuff on this site. I’m all for it, since I hang out a lot w/gay men as well as lesbians, and I watch a lot of gay male porn. Not sure how others on this site will respond though…

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