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    Not The Type 2: Established – (Chapter: Chapter 2)

    “Gosh Simba…why couldn’t you just listen to your Dad?” Sniffle. “This is so sad.”

    “Shush.” Paris puts a finger to her lips.

    “Scar you’re just to evil.”

    Mom!” Paris glares at Spencer.

    “I’m sorry.” Spencer wipes her face and leans into me some more.

    We are all sitting in the living room watching The Lion King, a classic movie. Spencer is always more into the kid movies then the kids. Spencer keeps saying words from the movie and Paris continues to shush her, Sydney fell asleep ten minutes into the movie. Before we put on the movie she was dragging her Barbie’s and their cars from room to room, tiring her little self out.

    “I like that movie!” Paris jumps up from in front of the TV. “Can we watch it again?” She climbs into Spencer’s lap.

    “Not tonight, Baby.” Spencer says while standing up with Paris in her arms.

    “Yeah,” I stand with sleeping Sydney in my arms. “It’s time for bed.”

    “I’m not tired.” Paris pouts.

    “Nice try, but I saw you yawning before the movie went off.” Spencer tickles her little stomach. We walk the girls to their room and go through the nightly routine of putting them to bed. They already took their baths, so we just make sure teeth are brushed and closets and under beds are checked for monsters before retiring to our own bed.




    “I still cannot believe Spencer let you come here without calling every five minutes.” Taylor comments.

    “What?” I put down the plate I was using to sample a new dessert I was think about adding to the menu.

    “Come on look at that,” She nods at one of the waitresses. A young lady that started working for me a couple of months ago, is leaning over a table to wipe the other side.

    “So?” I frown.

    “So…” She tilts her head when the waitress bends over a little more. “You have hot girls working for you. That’s any wife’s nightmare.” I roll my eyes and slap her on the back of the head.

    “Shut up.” Taylor follows me back to my office.

    “Sorry…I know you’re happy with your little family.” She beams and sits on the end of my desk.

    “That’s right.” I walk around and sit at my desk. “So what do you want?”

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    1. glad you’re back. Paris is so cute. I love that Ashley is a family woman. She wanted to spend her time with her kids and Spencer. Lovely!! Great update. pms please.

    2. yes this story’s bak. this was hilarious. “well i mostly like to lick” fav line ever. omg. i love how ash matured and everything. im suprised she wasnt a wingman. n she takes care of her kids n spence….aww so cute. PMS!!!

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