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    Ace High – (Chapter: Chapter Six)

    Spencer groaned to life feeling the sheet beneath her body, the bed shifting as she rolled out. Sitting up stretching to get her muscles to pop, in the corner of her eye she noticed the camera still set up pointing to the bed and it set off all the memories of last night causing a blush to rise on her cheeks quickly.


    “Oi your red,” Glen leaned against the frame of her door, the same door she had unlocked afterwards in case her mother wanted to wake her up, it was forbidden to lock their doors at night.


    His comment just made her face redden even more, “What do you want?”


    Running his hand through his hair he shrugged, “Am I taking you to school or what?”


    Briefly she thought about telling her parents, mainly her father, that she was ill and couldn’t last sitting in every class all day but knew that was wrong and she still had a debt to pay off, “Give me a minute.”


    Shutting the door she raced to get ready and in record time was slipping into her brother’s vehicle. The ride was silent, neither of them really interested in talking to the other.


    “We playing this Saturday?” he wondered keeping his eyes on the road.


    Spencer blinked a few times to realize he had actually spoken, “Um yeah…why wouldn’t we?”


    “No reason,” Glen drummed his thumbs on the steering wheel, “You know if you ever…wanted out. I’d help.”


    “Glen there is no way out. Why are you saying this?”


    He shrugged, “You just never wanted in. So…” he trailed off knowing his sister understood what he meant.


    “Thanks…but there is no way out.” Spencer sighed hoping out once Glen parked. She needed to get away and not think about the up coming poker game.


    Class didn’t start for another thirty minutes so she sat on the wall beside her homeroom, slipping the ear buds of her ipod in, listening to the soft rock melodies float into her mind and soothe her body. Tapping brought her out of the hypnotized state, opening her eyes she saw Ashley sitting next to her slightly away and kind of fidgeting around.

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    1. yes, ash’s complete crush on spence is totally adorable. definitely some toned down cards in this one… but can’t wait to see how it goes at ash’s house. and the picking of another card. pms!

    2. I haven’t read SON ff’s in forever, but I got to reading this one and loved it =] You were always one of my fav writers on here dawniekey! PMS PLZ =]

    3. awww they’re so freaking cute and i love this story. and like, can i also agree with you. i love buffy, but normal again bothered me! back to your story, i love how ash is mixing it up with cute things and hot things (and by ash i mean you of course). pms soon, i need another one!

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