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    Everything And Nothing – (Chapter: I’ll show you mine.. if you show me yours)




    Ashley led Spencer slowly by the hand across the quiet moonlit campus. It was a short walk to her room and she wanted to relish the moments she had with Spencer. Their night had been in one word, perfect except for the whole Madison and Kristen snaffoo. Ashley didn’t want to try and guess what was going to happen next. The wind was cold and the night felt damp. They walked in silence, both of them had so many thoughts running through their heads. Ashley finally stopped at Spencer’s door and looked into her girlfriend’s bright blue eyes. Her blonde hair tumbled onto her shoulders in messy loose curls and her teal shirt had come up exposing her hip bones. Ashley was overcome with desire for her and reached to bring her closer.









    As always when their lips met Ashley’s body went weak. Spencer wrapped her arms around Ashley’s neck and pressed their bodies together as she ran her tongue along Ashley’s bottom lip. Tremors ran through the older girl’s body.







    “Good night, Spencer, I had a great time.”











    “The night doesn’t have to be over yet…” Spencer’s voice was low and husky, as she pulled Ashley into her room. Apparently Ashley wasn’t the only one with surprises up her sleeve because as soon as she stepped into Spencer’s room she realized that she had been expecting this. Flowers filled the room and on the floor were two huge down comforters creating the perfect pallet. Spencer pulled her farther into the room and kicked the door shut behind her.








    Pushing Ashley against the door, Spencer ran her hands down the length of the brunette’s body. Their mouths crashed together hard and their tongues were tangled against one another. Ashley tasted sweet, like cotton candy and though she wanted to taste her forever, she decided to let her mouth explore Ashley’s entire body. Spencer slid her hand up underneath Ashley’s shirt and lifted over her head in one swift motion. Breaking their mouths apart, Spencer left a line of kisses on Ashley’s jaw. Running her tongue over her pulse point, she allowed her hands to roam the soft skin of Ashley’s back. Spencer moved her mouth to Ashley’s collar bone, softly biting at the hollow of her neck which caused the brunette to groan quietly into Spencer’s ear.

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