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    Give Up – (Chapter: Secret Truths)

    "Don’t worry, it’s going to be very easy. We just bring them the stuff, they give us the money, and everyone goes happy. You don’t even have to say anything. It’s just a formal thing to have two people do these kinds of deals." I nod my head and she smiles. It’s too late, there’s no hope for her.



    3 months later



    "She’s a fucking cop."



    I watch as Spencer shakes her head in disbelief refusing to accept his statement. She looks over at me, her head continues to shake skeptically. I say nothing as I watch her right hand reach around to her backside. Her left hand follows suit, her index and middle finger wrap themselves through the belt loop, pulling her jeans from her. She continues to pull on her jeans as her right hand fumbles, searching for the handle of the gun.



    When her hand finds the handle she pulls it from the back of her, and in one swift motion she’s aiming her gun at her ‘client’s’ head.



    "You think this is a fucking joke?" He says nothing, only stares at the barrel of the gun, obviously thinking carefully about his next statement. His mouth closes just as quickly as it opened. Instead he raises his hands, keeping them in Spencer’s sight. I watch as his feet move with ease a few steps back. He keeps his hands in sight until he reaches his goal.



    He drops his left hand to the chair pulling it out from the table. His eyes stay locked on the barrel of the gun as he plops down on the metal chair.



    I’m finally able to shake off the shock of what just happened. My hand instinctively reaches for my gun. I follow Spencer’s previous actions until I have a firm grip of the gun, I raise it, pointing at no one in particular.



    Spencer’s eyes dart back to me, apparently waiting for me to deny his words. I say nothing, I know I’ve been beat at my own game. Jose wouldn’t be stupid enough to make this kind of an accusation without some sort of evidence to back up his allegation.

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    1. oh my god … this was so intense … i absolutly love this story .. i never know what to expect. really great work you had me on the edge of my deat the entire time. i can’t wait to see what spencer is going to do. looking forward to the next update!

    2. lol no! i never get sick of happily ever after. not when it comes to spashley. because thats just how it was meant to be. but HOLY SHIT! dramaaa much?! ohhh my god. whats gonna happen?!

    3. Aw hell. I knew it had to happen eventually but it sucks all the same. So now that Spencer knows, what is going to happen? I’m going to choose to believe in the power of Spashley and hope that everything turns out okay. I’m so scared!

    4. oh my god … this was so intense … i absolutly love this story .. i never know what to expect. really great work you had me on the edge of my deat the entire time. i can’t wait to see what spencer is going to do. looking forward to the next update!

    5. lol no! i never get sick of happily ever after. not when it comes to spashley. because thats just how it was meant to be. but HOLY SHIT! dramaaa much?! ohhh my god. whats gonna happen?!

    6. Aw hell. I knew it had to happen eventually but it sucks all the same. So now that Spencer knows, what is going to happen? I’m going to choose to believe in the power of Spashley and hope that everything turns out okay. I’m so scared!

    7. Dude! You SO didn’t made it this way! Oh my gosh, I’m about to faint….Spencer’s not gonna kill Ashley right? RIGHT?! Ahhh….there’s a thing call happy ending, you knoy? lol, I love your story. PMS!!! Like now.

    8. Dude! You SO didn’t made it this way! Oh my gosh, I’m about to faint….Spencer’s not gonna kill Ashley right? RIGHT?! Ahhh….there’s a thing call happy ending, you knoy? lol, I love your story. PMS!!! Like now.

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