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    How could she do this to me

    I’m just stuck here, thinking about what we had and what we could’ve been. What we were before, when we were in love, well when I thought we were in love. To think that she never felt the same way, to say that she always knew we weren’t in love that she just needed some comfort. Why would she do that, how could she do that to me, I know we were in love, it couldn’t have been fake, the way she looked at me. The way she made me felt, when we made love it just can’t be.
    Now everyday I see her and her ‘choice’. I mean come on she chose me at prom, me, she said she still had feelings for me, but apparently that was also a lie, just like our love. It was probably like lust or something, I don’t know. I mean I was ready to like give up everything for her, anything for her, but she just threw it all away, and now I’m just stuck here alone.

    I mean I like gave my heart to her and she just took it and rip it and threw it on the ground and stomped on it. I mean how could she do that to me, she chose me at prom, sure she took a little while to choose but she did choose me, but now, nothing. And you want to know about her stupid reason for why she broke up with, trust me you don’t want to know. It the most pathetic and sorry ass excuse, I swear she’s such a bitch.

    But the funny things is, I don’t hate her, I can’t it’s impossible to hate such a beautiful, and gorgeous person. But I hate who she’s with, it’s the person’s who she’s with, it that persons fault I’m not with her anymore. It’s just, I hate this, now she’s with that fucking person, I can’t even say the person’s name it just like burns when I say it.

    Fuck it though I don’t care, but the truth is I do, I mean how could she do this to me, yeah you’re probably thinking I’m obsessed and I guess I am, but come one this is complete bullshit. I mean she chose me and then she changes her mind how can she do this, and the funny thing is I heard that she wasn’t unfaithful to me after prom, saying she was with me because of pure pity, and I guess I believe that because after she chose me, the other person took her back like nothing.

    She told me to leave them alone because she never wanted to see me face again, that we were always a lie. I see them together everyday though, like as if they were trying to rub it in or something god I hate this so much. But what can I do, I guess what I was hearing about her cheating on me was right, oh well.

    I just hate that this happened but I can’t do anything about it apparently this is destiny.

    Ashley is supposed to be with Spencer

    And Me, Aiden is just supposed to be nothing more than just a friend

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