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    The Master School – (Chapter: 1)

    Chapter 1 

    "I hate this fucking tie!" I grumbled and ripped the offending piece of clothing from my neck and stormed into my dorm room.


    My roommate just sat there. She did not jump in surprise at the slammed door or rise from her spot on the couch in the center of our dorm. 


    "You’re late," she said in a low voice and looked up at me her grey eyes peeping from above her ‘National Geographic’ magazine. I scoffed and flew into the kitchen yelling as I went.


    "Oh lighten up Juliet!" I shouted my head stuck in the refrigerator scanning the inside carefully.


    "I told you to call me Moon Flower," she shouted back and I entered back into the living room. I leaned up against the door frame, a beer in my hand, and an amused expression on my face. I raised my eyebrows at the red head.


    "Moon Flower?" I chuckled.


    "Yes," she said her voice stony and expressionless, "Do you have a problem with my name?"


    "No it’s very…" I took a second to search for the correct term, "crunchy granola," I finally stated. Satisfied with my observation I threw myself onto the couch next to her. Juliet looked at me the large wooden beads she wore over her uniform swayed on her neck and a questioning look in her eyes. Juliet is, like I said very crunchy granola. Basically, she is an activist, vegetarian, and a tree hugger. I would like to label her a hippie but that is a little much. I’m in my junior year here at ‘The Masters School’ and every year Juliet has been my roommate. I don’t know how we stand each other because we are complete opposites. yet, she is the only one that can get anything through my thick head.


    I pulled out a cigarette and tried to light it. Before I could, however, Juliet grabbed it from my mouth and broke it in two.


    "You’re hurting the enviroment," she said and stood up to walk over to the trash can to throw away the offending object. I put a look of shock on my face and pouted my lip.


    "What about the fact that it is hurting me? Don’t you care?"

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