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    Give Up – (Chapter: Score)

    I cry trying my best to wash away all of my sins, but I know no matter how long I cry, no matter how long I feel guilty, no matter how long I pray, I’ll never be forgiven. Never




    I look around my room desperately trying to find my eyeliner. After walking over to my dresser and moving a few things around I spot it out of the corner of my eye. My hand moves automatically making a quick grab for it and shoving everything else back into their previous positions.


    Aha. Good Ashley


    I make my way towards the full length mirror. My index finger clicks on the light just above the mirror and I lean down pulling the cap off of the eyeliner on the way. Just as I raise the tip to my face I hear the doorbell ring.




    I rush out of the room and down the steps taking the eyeliner with me. As casually as possible I turn the knob and let the door slowly swing open.




    She gives my a sly smile and I step forward grabbing her wrist and gently pulling her into the house. She comes willingly and shuts the door behind her. She looks me over a few times before her gaze meets mine.


    I look at her intently my eyes rolling over every inch of her face. Her face is tear stained, and she’s done a bad job of trying to cover it up. I’m surprised because this is the first time I’ve even seen a hint of emotion other happiness. I guess she can read my thoughts because she tears her eyes away from my intense stare.


    My brain is on overdrive doing happy dances and eating cake, because I know that every time she sheds a tear she’s that much closer to her breaking point. Every time she sheds a tear I’m closer to my goal.


    "So are you ready?"


    I grab her face as gently as possible and force her to look at me. Playing the concerned friend card always works with girls.


    I caress her face with my fingertips, trying to play it up as much as I can.

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    1. hahahahaha more like spencer: 100 ashley: -756. oh lordy. i love this story. sooo freaking much. SO much. sorry about your compy :-(. come over and use mine!! :-D then i can get the whole story right then and there hahaha. SCORE!

    2. Yay! I’m so happy you posted. I missed this story. So Ashley’s plan is working perfectly…if her plan is to fall in love with Spencer. These two don’t even know the trouble that waits ahead for them. I hope they figure it all out. I’ll definitely be looking for you next post.

    3. wooooo baby! go spencer! ha. i can’t wait for the next post! hooray! i know that the shit is definately going to hit the fan though – i can see it coming. haha.

    4. hahahahaha more like spencer: 100 ashley: -756. oh lordy. i love this story. sooo freaking much. SO much. sorry about your compy :-(. come over and use mine!! :-D then i can get the whole story right then and there hahaha. SCORE!

    5. Yay! I’m so happy you posted. I missed this story. So Ashley’s plan is working perfectly…if her plan is to fall in love with Spencer. These two don’t even know the trouble that waits ahead for them. I hope they figure it all out. I’ll definitely be looking for you next post.

    6. wooooo baby! go spencer! ha. i can’t wait for the next post! hooray! i know that the shit is definately going to hit the fan though – i can see it coming. haha.

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