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    Fight For Love

    “I can’t believe you!  What makes you think that this is for the best?  Christ Spencer do you know how much this is gonna kill me?”  Ashley was waving her arms around attempting to remain calm and trying to get Spencer to change her mind.

    “Look Ashley I just think we need space and a little break.  I know it’s painful and all, but I just need time to think.”  Spencer wouldn’t look up to meet the brunette’s brown eyes.  She stared down at the floor and was silent waiting to hear more of the girl’s pleas that wouldn’t change her mind.

    Ashley didn’t scream or throw her arms around like before.  Instead she knelt down at the blonde’s feet and looked up at the girl she loved and tried to plea again.  Whispering and softly speaking she held onto the blonde’s hands.  “Spence…please don’t do this.  After all that we’ve been through, we can get over this too just like before…  Please Spence, I need you.”

    Spencer didn’t look up to meet the brunette’s gaze, she just stared at the floor, pulling her hands gently out of Ashley’s.  “I’m sorry but I’m not changing my mind, please just…leave.  I need to be alone, I need to think.”

    Ashley felt like everything was crashing down onto her.  She was losing the one person who took her breath away.  Admitting defeat she slowly stood up.  “Okay Spence…okay.”  Ashley turned to leave but stopped just at the door.  Taking a glance back at the heartbroken blonde, she said the only thing she felt.  “I love you Spencer Carlin.”

    Spencer looked up at the girl with tear stained eyes and very calmly said;  “I love you too Ashley Davies.”

    “I hate you Spencer.”  Ashley’s head hung low as those four words came out a whisper.

    “I hate you too.”  The blonde replied watching the other girl leave, feeling like she never should have said or done those things that had hurt Ashley so badly.


    …One Week Later…

    Ashley tried keeping her head clear…it wasn’t working.  They had classes together and even then Spencer wouldn’t even look at her.  At least half the teachers had them paired up together for projects, activities, and everything else under the sun.

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