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    2 Talented Girls – (Chapter: 2- The First Show)

    2 Talented Girls- Chapter 2 (The First Show)

    Spencer’s P.O.V.

    Oh God….I’m panicing. Not "just a little nervous" kind of thing; this is a drop-dead oh-dear-lord what-am-I- gonna do sort of panicing.

    "Mooom!" I cried while pacing the floor. "Mom, would you still love me if I have a panic attack?" She comes over and pats my head in a disgustingly sentimental way.

    "It’s going to be ok!" she said in a reassuring voice.

    I started breathing really heavily. All these thought rushed into my head what if I mess up, or forget the song, ormanybe trip and totally humiliate myself. I must have looked really freaked out because my mom put her arms around me and just held me for awhile. WHen I finally started to calm down she let go of me and asked "You ok?"

    "Yeah" I replied, bitting my lower lip "Here goes nothing" I thought, listening to the cheering crowd, knowing it was me they were cheering for.

    Ashley’s P.O.V.

    Well, I’m next up next after this, no sweat I’m the best anyway! I think giving me more confidence. I walk up to the curtain to watch who ever was performing. I hear Regis announcing "Up next we have Spencer Carlin from Ohio, playing The Prelude in C# minor by Rachmoninoff on the Piano." just seconds later I see a blonde walking up to the immencily expensive Steinway Grand. It was the same blonde that ran into me earlier! I thought after I finally reconized she she was. She was looking really elegant in her sparkly dark blue dress. This made very intriged, she sat down and started to play, the song started out slow and then it started picking up its pace, her hands just seemed like they were flying on the keyboard. I watched in amazment. As the blonde slowed down to the ending she stood up and did a nice curtsy, As she was walking back I could see that she was releived that it was finally over from the look on her face. I walked up to her. She seemed so delicate, yet she can play violently, I started to think’ was I worthy enough to talk to this girl!’ but I did anyway.

    "Hey" I said kinda nervously

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